11; Parents

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dont be ghost reader and vote pretty pls ♡^^♡ (DON'T FORGET TO READ PREVIOUS CHAPTERS AS WELL )

His morning was still somewhat chaotic. The alarm hadn't gone off and they had woken up too late, so late that they had to beg to let YeonJun and JeongIn go to class. They had run from here to there because of the damn alarm clock and also because they were both fast asleep, after their kiss the blonde had convinced him to sleep in each other's arms, something that at first the black-haired man rejected but then ended up loving it.

They were so comfortable hugging each other that they felt like they didn't need anything, until SuNoo woke them up because she was hungry. It had been a crazy morning that had also caused him to be late for his new job, he hoped this wouldn't affect him. Entering the large building, the company was dedicated to the construction of hotels and large condominiums, although there was great competition, it managed to stand out among the others due to the great management that the owner and creator had. His boss, whom he had met thanks to the recommendation of one of his teachers, was an older man who was disciplined and demanding when it came to work, but if you knew him well, the man had a huge heart.

He cordially greeted all the workers, he did not understand and did not want to understand the workers who did not greet the doorman or the person in charge of cleaning, for him they all deserved the same respect, so since he had started working he greeted them all equally. . Upon arriving at the main floor, which was the last, the receptionist told him that his boss was waiting for him in his office.

I knock lightly before entering and hear a "come in." In the large office his boss was sitting behind the desk and in front of him was his son. He didn't know him well since he was an apprentice who would later take over the company. He was a tall boy with black hair. They must have been a few years younger than him.

-Good morning, greeting upon entering.

"Good morning, Chan," his boss responded, smiling slightly. Then he looked at his son changing his face drastically. I look at him seriously for a few minutes and then sigh, "Well, that's it, and you can't change this." Now, as a responsible adult, you must take charge, MinHo.

He reproached, although it didn't really sound very harsh. His son nodded and then bowed and left to leave them alone.

-You had told me that you had children, right? -the man asked as Chan took a seat in front of him.

-You had told me that you had children, right?

-the man asked as Chan took a seat in front of him.

-Yes, two little ones and a teenager he responded proudly. His boss looked at him surprised, not knowing what to say. "My partner and I adopted them."

-I see-he responded more relaxed- My only advice is: teach them to use the condom correctly.

Chan looked at him strangely for the advice, although it was very useful advice, he couldn't imagine having to give the "talk" to his little babies, although he knew that he would soon have to do it with YeonJun since he was older and he didn't want him to experience things. without protection. The day YeonJun decided to experiment he was definitely going to die.

The man laughed and sighed again. You see MinHo, he's only twenty-two years old and now he's going to be a dad. And do you know why? Why did he forget to use the damn condom, even though I have taught him a thousand times how to use it and what it was for.

"Well sir, as long as your partner is willing to have the baby, your son will have to take care of it," Chan said.

-I know, and I told you, the thing here is that the boy who is pregnant is not your partner and I even think you barely know him.

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