12; Parents

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You could say that little by little he got used to the classes, the hustle and bustle of the school, the looks of strangers, having to speak in public, what he still couldn't get used to was the great ability that his "friend" had to speak. .

What Kpop group do you like? -grey-danger asked. BeomGyu, a boy his age who had practically forced him to sit next to him on his first day of school. The boy was also new, his parents used to change places because of their work, something that he never asked but that the boy did not hesitate to tell him.

"None in particular," YeonJun replied, trying to concentrate on his literature homework.

-I like Stray Kids, although I usually listen to everything, my cousin actually loves EXO with all her heart, she really is a fan. YeonJun wondered if the boy didn't have a mute button or something because there were times when he was bored with so much story. He had never met someone so talkative in his life, apart from JeongIn-Sometimes I feel like you don't pay much attention to me.

"Sometimes I don't," he answered sincerely, the gray-haired man laughed.

"That's why I like you, you're so sincere, there are many hypocritical people in the world, but not you, you always tell the truth," he nodded as if he had known him all his life. The black-haired man looked at him in disbelief.

-We've been knowing each other for about a week. How do you know I'm telling the truth? -asked.

"You show your emotions a lot, if you were lying it would be noticeable," he responded without looking at him.

-And you are? Psychologist? -he asked sarcastically.

-Nope, just a boy with good intuition. That's why when I saw you I knew you were a good person, even if you were a dark child- BeomGyu responded.

Part of him was scared that BeomGyu was right, he didn't want people to know his feelings, he liked to put up a barrier so that no one could enter his life. Chan and SeungMin had broken that barrier with love, with understanding and care, even though he was bad at showing it, he trusted them with his eyes closed. Instead BeomGyu was breaking the barrier with a hammer of words, with a talking drill that seemed to never lose its energy.

-I wanted to ask you if you wanted to do the biology project with me -He had completely forgotten the work that his teacher had given them, although he was thinking of doing it alone so he was about to deny when the freckled gray-haired boy interrupted him If you say no, I'm going to insist and insist... - he warned.

YeonJun sighed exhausted, from the little he knew the boy he knew that he was going to insist to death that they work together so he simply nodded and the other smiled victoriously.

-I was thinking and I think I'll start wearing my clothes... -he muttered looking at his homework, YeonJun looked up after a long time searching for answers.

And whose clothes are you wearing? Neighbour's? He asked in his typical tone of voice that seemed to give a damn.

BeomGyu laughed softly. -Nope, the neighbor has very little sense of fashion, he made a disgusted face-I mean, because it was a new school and I didn't want to be treated badly, I dressed like that, he looked at himself and YeonJun did it too, for him it was normal, a dark blue jean and a dark green sweatshirt.

-And how did you do it before? -He returned his eyes to his task since he believed that the boy could come up with anything stupid that it wouldn't matter what he said.

"I like to wear pastel-colored clothes," he responded.

YeonJun looked at him again without finding the problem why he didn't wear the clothes he wanted, BeomGyu also looked at him and sighed. The boys used to tease me for wearing clothes of that color, they said they were women's clothes.

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