08 ; Parents

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After their beautiful dinner they returned to the apartment, the older ones slept with the younger ones again and the teenager once again enjoyed a bed for himself. Everyone slept happily that night, one could even say they slept with a faint smile adorning their faces.

SeungMin was the first to wake up, which surprised him since of the two he was the weaker. He looked to the side and saw the most beautiful image in the entire world. Chan had SuNoo on his chest who was sleeping with her little mouth open with one of Chan's arms on her back, Jeongin was being hugged by the remaining arm. The three of them looked so cute that he couldn't help but take his cell phone and capture that beautiful moment in a photograph, which he would keep for himself forever.

He liked SuNoo's snub nose, he was undoubtedly the most precious baby in the whole world. Then he looked at Jeongin, he was the definition of joy, always talking and laughing about anything, without a doubt the boy had a soul full of light. And lastly there was Chan, Chan, Chan, if he put aside how irritable he could be, he would admit that he was the most attractive man his eyes had ever seen.

SeungMin had rejected many men and women, and it wasn't that he thought himself superior or that no one was his equal, it was just that no one had caught his attention, no one except Chan. He didn't really know what captivated him, but he was sure that the only human being on earth who could conquer him was him, only him. Although he never admitted it, he admired him very much, he admired that he had told his mother to go to hell and had fought for his dreams, alone, without any support. SeungMin wouldn't know how to face life without the support of his parents, he admitted that he was more sensitive than Chan, he needed the support of someone like his parents to keep his spirits up.

Now the other thing that was captivating SeungMin even more was the new side of Chan Sr., it was something fascinating. He liked to see how he played with Jeongin or how he let SuNoo spend a lot of time looking at and touching his tattoos. He had never seen Chan like he was the night of his graduation, his eyes were shining and he looked like a puppy. That made him feel good, it made him feel proud for preparing the surprise, it made him feel proud of the children, they had tried so hard to keep the secret, especially Jeongin. When SeungMin had told them what he had planned they immediately agreed to make a surprise, they asked him to make family bracelets.

They looked so excited as they prepared everything, it made him wonder if they had never had a moment like this with their biological parents, if they were never able to prepare a surprise, if they were never able to experience such emotions. Just by looking at the children the answer came, no, they had never been able to experience something like this. Everything they did was new for them, that's why their emotion, their heart was squeezed at that moment, no one deserved that, no one deserved to have been deprived of experiencing such emotions.

Chan stirred a little which made him jump, he was looking at him so attentively that he was scared that he would catch him like that. Would Chan have a girlfriend or boyfriend? Although to be honest they both knew many things about their partner's lives, he could hide that, he could hide the fact that he was in a relationship, especially when he is in a relationship he usually goes out all weekend and doesn't come back. Sigh, it was fine, if Chan had a partner it was fine, he was not his property and having the children in his care did not limit him to anything.

He decided to get up, it was already late so they would skip breakfast, even if that wasn't very healthy. He wanted to leave lunch ready and get ready, he had to get together with a colleague to finish some work, for his peace of mind his colleague was one of the few who had never said anything to him, one of those who did not spread rumors about him, plus he was nice.

He got up without a sound and headed to the kitchen. He liked to cook because his mother had taught him all his secrets, he was good at cooking and it was one of the few things that Chan had highlighted about him. It wasn't that SeungMin had cooked a lot for Chan, but when he made something that smelled good the blonde ended up eating it, even if he didn't offer it, also when she got sick she used to cook special things for him.

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