Chapter One: The Past

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"Katherine!" Damon and Stefan screamed repeatedly as they followed the wagon, running as fast as their human legs would allow. Lillian and her sister Katherine sat in the back of the carriage listening as the Salvatore brothers wasted their energy. Both girls had been injected with vervain and shoved into this cart by Giuseppe Salvatore and his men.  All of a sudden, the carriage came to a rough stop and she heard Stefan and Damon shouting. Her heart pounded as she tried to get free from her restraints, as did Katherine.  Katherine managed to undo her shackles and rose in the carriage. "Sister, help me! I can't get mine loose," Lillian pleaded. Without even looking back to her, Katherine jumped from the carriage and was gone from the scene within seconds.  "Katherine!" she pleaded, but it was too late. Tears poured from her eyes and she pulled as hard as she could on her restraints.

Lillian froze when she heard a gunshot and then Stefan grunted. The sound of his body collapsing to the ground rang in her ears.  Then another gunshot went off and Damon screamed in pain as he too fell to the ground. "Damon!" she screamed as she bucked against the shackles. All she could really manage was kicking a hole in the side of the cart, which brought attention to one of the men. He entered the carriage and wrapped vervain laced rope around her mouth. Her screams of pain were muffled as the man left. It wasn't long after that; she was being shoved into a church with other vampires. The men outside set the church ablaze, planning to burn them all but Emily, Katherine's witch, had led all the vampires to a tomb beneath the church and placed a seal on it, keeping the vampires in. Everyone felt relieved to be alive but angry that they were trapped.

31 days later

Time went by so slow and everyone was becoming weaker each day. Most have already desiccated, even though it had only been about a month. The stronger ones were growing weak but they could still move about. Lillian had spent all this time thinking about Damon and Stefan and how they died and how Katherine just abandoned her. She had replayed that entire day in her head over and over again. And each time she did, it made her heart break even more. Eventually, she flipped the switch and turned her humanity off so she wouldn't have to suffer.

88 days later

Lillian sighed and moved slowly to the front of the tomb. She was weak and slowly starting to become immobile. The front was opened but spelled, so the vampires could not escape, but she liked to sit at the entrance in listen. It was the most entertaining thing to do. As she reached where she could no longer pass, she saw two figures. One was a woman and the other was a man that much she could tell. The woman was laying out candles and a big book while the man turned towards the tomb. Then all of a sudden, the woman chanted a word in Latin and all the candles lit up at the same time, illuminating the front of the tomb. That's when she saw a charmingly wicked smile she knew too well. "Klaus?" she croaked weakly.

"Hello love," he said, "You sure look like you have seen better days."

"What are you doing here?" she asked looking at the now sitting figure behind him. She didn't recognize the woman; all she gathered was that she was a witch. "Why I am here to rescue you of course," he replied over the witch's chanting. "You don't seem affected by the least," Klaus commented.  "Because that would mean feeling," she replied. Klaus smirked at her and chuckled, "Ah I see. You have turned off your emotions."

"What are you doing here Klaus?"

"I told you darling. I'm here to rescue you and your sister as well. Where is she?"

"She is in the back. I would bring her out here but I am far too weak to carry her and she can barely move," Lillian lied.

"No that is quite all right, I shall retrieve her soon enough," he replied with a genuine smile.

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