The Aftermath (2023)

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 It's been a week since we were rescued from that cave. I was released the day after everything happened, but June and Victoria are still being kept. I go to June's room everyday and hardly ever leave. I'm still in shock from her actually being here.

Her aunt and dad have been visiting too. I try to give them privacy even though it hurts for her to be out of my sight. Everyone has been by to visit, but June doesn't talk. I can't blame her, living through an event like that would silence me too.

I walk into June's room and see her staring out the window, "pretty day today." I say. June doesn't respond. I walk over and sit on the chair I pulled up beside her bed. "They said you'll be able to go home soon."

June stares out the window still. I keep quiet. Being here with June is enough for me. Even if she never speaks again I'll love her. That time spent thinking June was dead made me realize just how deep I felt for her. I could live off memories of us.

June's aunt is coming to see her later today. When she found out it was like a movie moment. Life came back to her face. I still don't know if June realizes her mom died. I wasn't going to be the one to break it to her. When she gets better we can face that giant.

I look over at June's water cup, it's almost empty. I pick up her hand and caress it. "I'll be back. I'm getting you some more water." I'm about to pull away and grab her cup when I feel a squeeze. It couldn't be, but then what else would it be? June squeezed my hand. That's the first thing she's done to show she's aware of her surroundings since the cave. I smile. June was making progress.

I grab her cup and leave for the water. On my way to the water fountain I pass Victoria's room. I still haven't forgiven her for handing me and Maggie over to Debbie. I know she was doing it to protect Jalen, but it's still too fresh in my mind.

I can't help looking into the room, Jalen's sitting right beside her. How could he be so close with a kidnapper? He hasn't even been to see June, and he's been here all along! Before I know what I'm doing I bust through the door and into Victoria's room.

"Unbelievable! This is who you came here to see?" I say to Jalen.

Jalen looks up at me, "Dawton, you don't know what you're talking about!"

"I know you're here visiting her! When June is in the other room still traumatized! SHE GAVE ME TO DEBBIE!" I yell.

Victoria's face goes red, "you two stop! Stop arguing because of me!" Victoria starts coughing, "I do need to tell you both something."

Jalen looks at her, confused, "Victoria what are you talking about?"

Victoria looks at Jalen and then me, "I was the one who sent you that letter about June being missing."

It feels like time slows down. What? This can't- That would mean Victoria knew. "YOU KNEW!"

Jalen is stunned, "Victoria?"

She looks down at the IV in her arms, "I knew. I knew Debbie was planning something. She came to me and asked me to help." Victoria starts crying, "you have to understand... I didn't know she was going to do this!"

Jalen looks scared of Victoria, "What?"

"Debbie told me she was just going to scare June. I thought she blackmailed her into running away from home. I never thought- I never knew-" Victoria begins crying harder. I'm stuck in silence. "I gave you that letter because I thought she would come back by now. I mean we all graduated! She had no reason to hide anymore. I even started looking for her, but it's like she disappeared off the face of the earth. That's when I knew something was wrong. I gave you that letter so you would look into that night. You would be able to get closer to Debbie than anyone else." Victoria begins shutting her eyes, "And now you both...know."

Jalen rushes over to her and rubs her shoulder, "Vic! Are you alright?"

"Yeah.. I just... I just.." Victoria passes out.

"VIC!" Jalen yells, pushing a nurse button.

A few seconds later a team of nurses burst into the room. I stand back, observing everything take place. The nurses start tearing at her gown, gelling up a defibrillator.

"Is there anything we don't know about?" They ask Jalen.

Jalen looks scared, "Um... maybe? We had a miscarriage three years ago?"

"Ok, I need everyone out of the room for this." A nurse commands. Jalen and I leave the room. He's a wreck. I look over and see him backed against a wall, crying.

"What if she dies?" Jalen asks through tears.

I go over and place a hand on his shoulder, "she won't. She's survived worse." The knowledge that Jalen and Victoria had a miscarriage is weighing heavily. That's why Jalen has been taking up for her. That's why Victoria was willing to risk everything to save his life.

Jalen stops crying, "I guess you know now."

"I won't tell anyone about the miscarriage." I say.

"You just don't understand." Jalen says, wiping the tears from his face. "I didn't know anything about the June situation, but I still love Victoria. Did you see her in there? She feels horrible."

"Help me understand the situation! I see she feels bad, but why would she wait so long to say anything?"I say.

Jalen stays silent for a few seconds, "promise not to mention Victoria's name when you talk to the cops today?"

"Jalen, that's a big ask." I admit.

"Please! Victoria knowing that Debbie was threatening June doesn't do anything! June is back! Please Henry, I'm begging. I love her."

I don't know what to do. Jalen is asking me to keep my mouth shut about everything Victoria just told us. Could I do that? I think about June and how I feel about her. Is that how Jalen feels about Victoria? If so I know Jalen will do anything to keep her safe. Telling the cops won't add anything important to the investigation. They already have Debbie and enough evidence, and June has been found. I make a decision.

"I'll keep her name out of this as long as it's not needed to help June in any way."

"I guess that's all I can ask for." Jalen looks up at me, "Victoria and I were together since middle school. We had a baby sophomore year, but she died. The death tore us apart, but we still loved each other. I'm asking you to consider forgiving Victoria because I would've done the same to save her. Please Henry. And now I might lose her." I can hear the pain in his voice.

I take a second to respond, "Jalen I'm sorry. I'm not going to say I forgive her right now, but I won't mention her to the cops."

Jalen hugs me, tears in his eyes, "thank you man!" I hug him back and the nurses come out.

"She's stable. You can go back in." One of the nurses says.

Jalen gives me one last look before going back to sit with Victoria. I see him smile and kiss her hand through the window. They really were in love.

I get June's water and return to her room. June is still looking out the window, and I take a seat beside her bed. I grab her hand, "I love you."

I think back to what Victoria said. She knew Debbie was going after June this whole time. I'm conflicted about everything. I look over at June and try to focus my mind on this moment. June was safe.

Their Last SummerDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora