There's Two? (2023)

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I don't know where to go. I didn't think about my end goal when I said that to my dad. It's like I'm a new person now. I pick up speed in my truck and just ride. I guess I could sleep in my truck tonight. I could park it in the camping grounds parking lot. In the back of my mind, I knew I was going to the campground to be closer to June. She always knew how to make light of a situation.

I park and look around, there aren't any cars. This shouldn't surprise me. Ever since that night two years ago when June went missing nobody likes to come out here. I've even heard a few of the little kid's scary stories about this place.

I sit in my truck. Who could've done this to you June? Maybe I could retrace the events that night and find something. I'm getting out of my truck before I can stop myself. Is this a smart idea? What if the person who took June is still in the woods. I shake the thoughts away and head toward the path.

I've been walking for ten minutes. I know these woods like the back of my hand. Going out in search parties to find June helps me locate the exact spot she was last seen that night. I'm standing in the small grass patch and close my eyes. The breeze hits my face and I breathe in deep. Where did they take you? I try to clear my mind. My ears are flooded with animal's walking and owls hooting.

I stand still for a few minutes, begging June to send me a sign. It's no use! I kick a rock and it hits the closest tree. I crouch down and put my hands over my face. My mind goes to Victoria. This is the same spot her and June had that argument. That whole friend group was a tangled mess now that I think about it.

I get up and head for my truck. This was a stupid idea anyway. Of course, June wouldn't send me a sign, she barely talked to me those last few months anyway. I walk a few steps and hear a... crunch? That couldn't be right there were no cars in the parking lot. It's probably a deer or something. I walk further but hear it again. This time it's closer. I stop and listen, there's no noise.

"Hello? Is someone there?" I ask, growing scared now. No one answers. I'm probably just looking for a noise, I'm paranoid and looking for something wrong. I laugh to myself. This is all so stupid. I continue to walk but now whatever I heard is running right toward me. They're coming up the path, blocking me from my truck. I turn back around quickly and take off. I run back to the patch of grass I was standing at earlier and try to listen, but all I hear is my heavy breathing. I force myself to stop breathing and listen. The steps were growing closer.


There's still no response. I take out my pocketknife, I'm not running away from whoever this sick freak is. It might be who got June. They won't get away again. The footsteps are getting closer. I prepare myself to launch and catch whoever this is off guard. The person is almost here, and I make the quick decision to get behind a tree beside the trail. I run and get in place.

The person is so close I have to jump out now or they will go past me, ruining my element of surprise. I take in one big breath and jump out. Adrenaline is pumping and I push- wait.

"Connor?" I say, out of breath looking at Connor on the ground.

"Dude!? Why did you push me?" Connor says, getting up.

I look at my knife and quickly put it back in my pocket, "Why did you follow me?"

"I didn't follow you! I'm camping here." Connor says, looking confused.

"You're... camping here? But I didn't see any cars at the front." I say, still feeling strange from the adrenaline high.

"I got here a few minutes ago. Why are you here?" Connor asks.

"I got into a fight with my dad. I thought taking... a walk would help." Telling Connor about the real reason I was here would make me look crazy.

"In the middle of the woods?" Connor asks, looking doubtful.

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