The Truth (2023)

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I've been pretending to be unconscious for about ten minutes. All I've been able to think about is what Victoria said about having us here. This means someone else is working with her. All the people I've suspected are running through my mind.

Maggie hasn't made much noise. How long has she been here? I got to Victoria's trailer around 6:00 p.m, so it's been a few hours. I don't even know how long I was knocked out for. I'm almost ready to give up. Everything feels useless. Victoria has been pacing back and forth, every step hurts my head.

Ten minutes later I hear a noise. It's the door creaking, signaling someone else is here. This is the moment I figure out who Victoria's working with. I lift my head, I was going to look this sick freak in the eyes. The figure comes into view and it's...Debbie?

She's walking towards me, "Henry! What's going on?" Was it her or does She really not know? "I got a text to be here? Who did this?" Was it really not her? Did this person lure three people into a warehouse? What does Debbie have to do with this?

She comes over and touches my face, I wince. Debbie starts crying, "Henry!" Debbie takes out a knife and cuts the duct tape from my mouth. It feels like I can finally breathe again. I look over at Victoria and she's just standing there.

"Debbie, you have to run! Get help!" I say, taking a closer look at her hand. "Is that my knife?" I ask, confused.

Debbie looks down, "Yeah, you left it at the hospital."

"They didn't let me take it into the hospital." I look over at Victoria again. Why wasn't she trying to knock Debbie out, "Debbie why aren't you running?"

Victoria looks at Debbie, "Where's Jalen? I gave you Maggie and Henry! WHERE IS HE?"

What? Debbie was the one who wanted us here? She lured Victoria with Jalen? I try to talk, but can't. My voice is stuck in my throat.

Debbie starts to laugh, "Your little boyfriend has been here the whole time. You never were very smart." Debbie snatches the gun from Victoria and shoots her in the knee. It all happens so fast. Victoria is on the floor crying out in pain.

"DEBBIE!" I scream.

"Shut your little mouth!" Debbie screams, rearing her arm back and slamming me in the jaw with the butt of the gun.

I scream in pain. Maggie begins crying through her duct tape. I had forgotten she was there.

Debbie rolls her eyes, "SHUT IT VICTORIA!" Victoria only responds with more screaming. I silently beg her to try and contain the screams. I know Debbie will only do something else if she continues. My suspicions are proven right when Debbie takes another shot and Victoria's stomach.

I wince at the gruesome scene in front of me, and you can hear Maggie screaming harder. Debbie walks over to Maggie. I pray she doesn't shoot.

"If you promise to be a good girl I'll take this off." I assume she's talking about the duct tape. Maggie agrees through mumbles. I can hear Maggie's duct tape being ripped off. Maggie remains quiet.

"Debbie, you don't have to do this." I beg.

"Get up." Is Debbie's only response. I strain my neck trying to look behind me. Debbie walks up to my side and grabs my hair, "I said get up." Debbie says through gritted teeth, forcing me to look at her.

There's no use in arguing, so I try to stand up. I realize then my feet are still tied to the chair, "We can't!"

Debbie laughs, "I'll cut your legs free. Just don't make me use this gun!"

I stay quiet and Debbie cuts the rope on my legs and the ones tying my back to the chair. She gives me a glare before going to Maggie and cutting her rope. Should I make a run for it now? Debbie has a gun, and is obviously not afraid to use it. I look at the front door. Could I make it in time? Maybe if I was in good shape, but I'm pretty sure I have a concussion and my mouth is still bleeding from the gun.

I decide right now wouldn't be the right choice. I need to wait. Even if I did get away Maggie would still be left, and Debbie would end up killing her. I need to come up with a plan. Where are we going anyway?

I can hear Maggie stand up. I follow. I look in Debbie's eyes. How did I never notice how crazy she is?

"WALK!" Debbie yells. I can feel the gun poking me in the back. Maggie comes to my side, but doesn't look at me. She's scared to make any sudden movements, and I don't blame her.

I look at Victoria on the floor. The screaming has stopped, and her eyes are closed. She's probably dead. I make myself look back towards the front door. Dwelling on Victoria's death won't save me now.

Debbie makes us walk to the other side of the warehouse. I can see the edge of a car. I would notice that minivan from anywhere. It's Debbie's moms. We reach the car and Debbie opens the sliding door for us.

"Get in." She says.

Maggie is silently crying, but obeys. I follow in behind her. Maggie is pushing up against the window, trying to put as much room between her and Debbie as possible. Debbie slams the door and gets in.

"We all couldn't fit on the bike, huh?" I say, I can't help it. Debbie was one of my best friends. How could she do this?

"You think you're funny?" Debbie says, cranking the car up. "Well I can be funnier." Debbie says and speeds towards the warehouse.

"STOP! YOU'RE CRAZY!" Just as I say that Debbie takes a sharp turn nearly hitting the building.

My breathing is fast and hard. Debbie really was crazy. She was willing to risk all our lives for a smart comment. I shut my mouth and look at Maggie. She looks up at me with wide eyes. Tears are flowing down. She shakes her head and looks back out the window. I turn back to my window. Where is she taking us?

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