Secret Admirer (2020)

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Things have been going well, after Jalen and me "Made Amends". I've been hanging out with Debbie and Isaac almost every day after school, sometimes June and her friends join us. Like tonight we're all meeting at the park to hang out, it's really just June going back and forth from one group to the other.

I start to leave my house when my dad pulls into the driveway," Where you headed Henry?"

"Umm I'm meeting a group of kids in the park for a project." I lied, but I didn't want him telling me I couldn't go.

"Moms in the living room, I think she's about to start a movie. You might catch the beginning of it. See you later dad." I say, not giving him a chance to object.

I pick up Debbie and we head to the park; she was telling me about the boy she's talking to. Apparently, he lives in Maine, hope that works out for her. As I pull in, I see that we were the last people to get there. June is sitting on the bench by herself, and Isaac and Conner are throwing a football, you could tell Conner was taking it easy on Isaac. Jalen seems to be getting something out of his car and Maggie and Victoria are sitting on the blanket they laid out. Debbie and I get out and make our way over to everyone.

"Hey Grandpa Henry!" June says getting up and giving me a side hug.

"Hey Grandma June!" I say.

June pulls back and sees Debbie standing behind me, "Oh hey Debbie."

"Hey June, nice to see you again!" Debbie replies.

"You too, well I'm going to head over to Jalen. He's getting some snacks out of his car I think." June says walking away.

"So... Why do you guys call each other grandpa and grandma?" Debbie asked, trying to make conversation.

"I don't really know, June started it, I think. Now it's just something we do." I answered.

"That's cute, wanna go sit grandpa?" Debbie says, I give a small laugh but hearing Debbie call me that doesn't have the same effect as June saying it.

"Sure Debs, let's go sit!" I say laughing.

Debbie and I sat down and caught each other up on our week, June and Jalen came over and joined in on the conversation. Jalen didn't even say anything obnoxious throughout the whole day, maybe he is changing for June.

The bell rang and we're dismissed from class. I need to stop by my locker to put the new book in there that we got today in Ms. White's class. When I open up my locker there's a folded-up piece of paper, with a single flower. I opened the note and it read:

"Look I know this might seem weird and I know it's wrong since I'm sorta in a relationship right now. But Henry, I really like you, and if the feeling is mutual, I'll be willing to give that up for you!"

There's no name on the note. Who would've gotten into my locker? Isaac and June are the only ones with my code. And I'm sure Isaac did not leave this note, so that would make June the only person who would've left it. I mean she is in a relationship, and she has my code. Okay I'll just ask her about it, no big deal. Right?

I see June walking in the hallway with friends, "Hey June, have a sec?"

"Sure Henry! What's up?" She asked, stepping away from her group and walking over to me.

"I got your note, and I was just going to let you know the feeling is definitely mutual." I say.

"Umm Henry... What are you talking about? What note?" June says looking at me with a confused expression.

"The note in my locker? You didn't leave it?" I ask, now I'm confused.

"No, what did it say?" June asked, looking at me in a "tell me your secret" kind of way.

"Oh umm don't worry about it, it must've been Isaac." I say, I CAN'T tell her what that note said. I mean how embarrassing would that be.

"Well alright Henry, hope you figure it out. I'm going to catch up with the guys, see you later." June says, patting my shoulder and waving while she jogs to catch up with her friends.

After June leaves I quickly find Isaac, what kind of joke was this? It would've been so bad if I just confessed my feelings for her off the jump. Isaac and Bailey are in the library, I go through the doors I'm steaming from embarrassment.

"Isaac! We need to talk! Now!" I say through gritted teeth.

"Wow Henry what are you all worked up about?" Bailey says, standing up.

"Yeah, who peed in your cereal this morning?" Isaac says laughing.

"SHH!" The old lady in the library says.

"I'm talking about the little joke you pulled this morning, with that note. Look man I know you like to joke around, but this isn't funny you know how I feel about June." I say, lowering my voice. After hearing this Isaac gives Bailey a look, telling her to give us space without actually telling her.

"What are you talking about? What notes Henry?" Isaac says, he has the same confused look as June had. After realizing that he actually didn't know what I was talking about, we sat down, and I explained what happened. The note I found, and me going to June about it.

"Oh well that's embarrassing! But I might know who left it in your locker..." I look at him in confusion and he continues, "Debbie came to me this morning and asked for your locker combination, she said y'all had a project you were working on, and she needed to see it. So, I gave it to her."

So, Debbie left it? Now what do I do? I'm still not over June and I can't hurt Debbie, she's too sweet.

"So, what are you going to do?" Isaac says, leaning back in his chair.

"I think I'm going to pretend like I never got it honestly. You and I both know I'm not over June and I wouldn't want to do that to Debbie." I say leaning back.

"Yeah, I get that, better prepare yourself for today then." Isaac says getting up and leaving. I completely forgot about the yearbook meeting we have today after school.

The bell for dismissal rings and I make my way to the library. Debbie and Isaac were already in there setting up their computers. I walk over to join them and peek over at Debbie, I can see that she's waiting for me to say something.

"So umm, Isaac! How have you been, buddy?" I say, trying to hint at him to break the awkwardness.

"Oh yeah, I've been hanging around... Umm we should really focus on the work today, there's lots to do." Isaac says, looking over at me and shrugging.

Isaac and I have been putting together pages for over thirty minutes, every now and then I can feel Debbie peeking over at me. Isaac gets up and excuses himself to the restroom.

"So, Henry, did you by any chance get my note this morning? Seems like you're trying to ignore me." Debbie says awkwardly and laughs.

I know I have to lie, "What note? And sorry if it comes off that way, I just been focused on these pages."

"Wait you didn't get any note this morning?" Debbie asks, shocked.

"No, what did it say?" I asked, putting a confused look on my face.

"Wow this is embarrassing; you know what just don't worry about its Henry. It was just about how much fun I've been having hanging out with you and Isaac. That's all!" She gives me a slight smile and continues to "work".

I'm glad that Debbie decided to let it go, I know she must be embarrassed but this was better than hurting her. I hope she gets over the feelings she has for me, I don't think I'll ever be able to be with her. I care about her as a friend too much to do that to her. 

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