Chapter 11: A mansion holding a thousand warriors in shadow

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Hyperdimension Neptunia

Third Sister; Darkness

Chapter 11

A mansion holding a thousand warriors in shadow.

I found my way back to the Ninja village. With all their attention on the castle, there was no one at the walls of this village. I can easily jump near the INN at light speed. From there, I put my mask to the side just to make sure no one sees me as a foggy entity. With that done, I get to the window and knock. Acclaim lets me in. I guess he also managed to return unfollowed.
"Were you successful, leader?", he asks me.
"I definitely know more than before. I have also attained some scrolls.", I answer.

"That is reassuring. So I suppose we have another mission the next day?", he asks me.
I shake my head. "I'm sorry to say, but the incident I caused may have them realize the Phantom Crusaders are here. And they will tighten security. I think we should wait two days. Can you tell the others when they wake up tomorrow?", I tell him, ending my explanation with a question.
"I can, but wouldn't you be able to?", he asks me.

"I want to read these scrolls right now. I am too curious to sleep.", I tell him.
He looks at me, gives me the sting eye and everything. Then he sighs and says, "Don't let it negatively affect your health, leader." Then he goes to the bedroom.
They worry a lot about me, huh? Do they think I'm a workaholic? I don't like working THAT much...
I just take my time reading these scrolls. It would seem they are passed down from various 'Village Managers' as they call the ones living in the castle.

It seems the one ruling this village is from a dynasty with origins in Lowee, looking over the Lowee ninjas and the residents here. Whereas the master of all Ninja actually originated from Luawei a few thousand years ago. The two different families cooperate on Lowee. The master of ninja makes sure to be a medium between all ninja over Gamindustri, setting taboo's or reinforcing certain rules. Even if he works for Lowee, he exists as a way for the ninja to have at least some foothold for themselves rather than being a soldier for one nation. This would also stop wars breaking out between different major Gamindustri branches.

I am reading here that the true hidden village is indeed where I last was, and the real mansion belonging to the Master Ninja would be at the end of a road with many buildings sticking out from some short snow-dunes. There is a lot of other historical records and rules written within these scrolls. The cave I was in apparently is some sort of no-fighting hub between ninjas to relax, prepare and practice.

Is that it? I guess there are some writings about special ninjas and how their class system works. Some info about different popular ninja clans. Something about a ninja clan with optical powers being wiped out by one of their own members. Sounds crazy. And then there are...The four flames, but I guess this gets continued into a second chapter scroll, which I assume I left in the box. Oh well. Everything else is mostly trivia or general info about the village's overall infrastructure, nothing much more of use.

I think I've spent enough time. I'll just have to sleep. Tomorrow will just have to be another lazy day.
I am the last one to wake up, naturally. I was also the last one to go to bed after all.
I get into the living room with everyone patiently waiting for my input.

I tell them what I have come across.
"So, this isn't the real hidden ninja village, but a front where only family of the ninjas and other workers live?", Sili-san sums that part up.
"It would seem we need to investigate further and find the actual residence of their true leader.", is what Acclaim got out of it.
With the other two taking it seriously, Theresa innocently asks, "Were there really talking human tortoises and an old mouse man?"

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