Somewhere we can rest

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"Find us a job, we'd like to stay here for a decade"

"We're only going to be staying a week" Fern corrected glaring at Frieren

"Well....guess I'm gonna go settle down then" Y/n said walking into the cabin they had given them.


Y/n was sitting at a river alone, he was watching fishes swim around. He looked lost in thought, anyone would be too if you were remembering a bad memory about the sad feeling of being hopelessly overpowered by someone you want to beat so bad but is just on a different level from you.

Flashback 210 years ago

A younger looking Y/n who looked more like a 16 year old boy is seen wearing a plain white shirt and brown pants and a sandal, he had a katana sheathed being held by a brown belt around his waist and his white hair was a bit longer. The white haired boy was seen walking towards a tower the whole area around the tower was dark as he walked up to the gate of the tower with a nasty frown across his face, he blasted the gate open with simple offensive magic.


"Demon king!" Y/n yelled as he was approached by a bunch of guards who stoood in his way but he was unbothered he had one clear goal in mind.

"Stand down!" The guards who were demon yelled but Y/n simply didn't care as he walked past them.

"I sai- a guard was cut off (literally) when he took a step closer to Y/n who sliced his head clean off. This was enough to make the other guards back off, Y/n looked at his katana that was now stained with blood.

"Tch" he scowled as he cleaned the blood on the sleeve of his shirt.

"We must ask you to leave" A guard said to Y/n.

"If you want me to leave so bad then make me"


"Oh boy you made a mess this time" Aura said walking out of the tower staring at the white haired boy who was sitting outside the tower, pile of bodies gathered.

"Where's he?"

"He should be coming right"

"Y/N what is the meaning of this nonsense"

"The next time I demand you supply quick to avoid casualties, unfortunately there won't be a next time. I shall be taking your head this time 'Demon king'." Y/n said pointing his katana at the man in front of him

"Bold claim" Aura said

"Shut it"

"Well then Y/n I'm here, come take my head if you can" This was all Y/n needed to hear before he rushed forward with great speed almost like he teleported, Aiming for the Demon king's head he swung his sword but it was easily swatted away by the demon king who held Y/n from his neck strangling him as Y/n kicked at him desperately trying to get him to release his grip. Two spheres appeared mid air as Y/n casted an attack spell forcing the Demon king to back off releasing his grip on Y/n's neck, Y/n grabbed his neck coughing as he massaged his sore throat. Y/n glared at him before rushing at him again, the Demon king went to punch him but it was blocked by Y/n's defensive spell as Y/n bent down going for low punch to the the Demon king's gut which connected. The punch pushed the Demon king back a bit, Y/n followed up with a punch to his face and a kick straight at the Demon king's chest, Y/n didn't waste time to fire off a fireball spell at the Demon king before jumping back and picking up his katana. The fire subsided and reveal the Demon king who looked untouched making Y/n angry. The boy rushed in once more he was so fast that he was like a blur, he ran around in circles around the Demon king.

Sosou no Frieren {Frieren X Male reader}Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum