If a demon could be a god

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"Draht was it?" Y/n said sitting down next to Frieren who seemed calm

"Just so you know I'm strong" Frieren said

"Stronger than me?" The Demon asked

"What do you mean stronger than you? Is that even a question, I could kill you if I sneezed too hard" Y/n taunted making the Demon growl, It even almost made Frieren laugh 'Almost'.

"Unfortunately for you this won't even be a fight scene" Y/n said

"What do yo-  The demon was cutoff by Y/n being at his back

"He's fast" Frieren thought as Y/n placed a hand on the demon's head as the demon sweats profusely

"If I was serious you'd be dead by now, do you understand what this means? It means you are heavily outmatched little boy" Y/n says with a evil smirk

"Damn you!" The demon yells

"That's damn you Lord Y/n to you"Y/n says

"Lord Y/n huh? That's very immature" Frieren teased with a small smile

"Let me have this" Y/n pouted

"We've dragged this scene out long enough" Y/n sighed

"What do you mea-


"Gross" Y/n said

"You popped his head like a cherry" Frieren Joked making Y/n frown

"That's a very terrible joke" Y/n said cleaning his hand

"It wasn't supposed to be funny it's dark humor"

"Probably the type of stuff you'd understand with your old ass"

" 'old ass' huh?"

"I'm sorry" Y/n apologized but Frieren didn't say anything she only walked out

"Talking to her is hard I tell you" Y/n thought as he let out a small sigh.


"Frieren-sama, Y/n is that you" Fern said stopping them, Y/n just pointed towards an empty alley.

While Frieren explained to Fern and Stark about why she and Y/n had to flee from the town, Y/n was busy looking for sake inside some barrels in the alley.

"They're empty" Y/n muttered to himself sadly

"Y/n stop fooling around,let's go" Frieren scolded as she pulled Y/n along


"Aura the glutton"Y/n said

"guillotine" Frieren corrected

"C'mon Frieren, we agreed on this 'Don't correct me in front of the enemies' Y/n whined

"Then stop being dumb" Frieren teased with a smile

"I hate you" Y/n sighed

"Are you two just going to flirt with each other, GO DO IT SOMEWHERE ELSE!!MOVE!" Aura yelled

"I Remember you, you're that brat with that stupid look in your eyes from back then. You always looked like you were above everyone else like no one was worth your time. You really have mellowed because of some dumb elf." Aura said

"You're lucky I couldn't kill you back then because of your old man, I'll wipe that stupid look off your eyeballs" Aura said staring into Y/n's dull blue eyes

"Oh so you have history with both of us" Frieren said

"I'll never forget you Frieren you caused me great troubles" Aura said


Y/n yawned making Aura gasp before gritting her teeth in anger while Frieren smiled

"You bore me" Y/n said

"Why you!!" Aura growled

"Something was always odd about Y/n I could never put my finger on it. I always wondered what it was, now I get it"Frieren thought

He's the embodiment of if a demon could be a god.

Y/n walked closer to Aura.

"Go ahead, take your best shot" Y/n said taking off his Robe and black shirt revealing his muscles and scars

"Oh so you aren't frail and thin" Frieren said


"I always thought you wear baggy clothes to hide the fact that you were very thin and not muscular" Frieren said

"I'm sensitive ya know" Y/n said smirking

"No you're not" Frieren smiled

"SHUT UP!! I'll take my best shot,Don't regret it boy." Aura said as Y/n turned to face her as she powered up a large attack



A loud explosion occurred as Aura fired her best hit at Y/n

"That was better than I expected" Y/n complimented her

"What?!" Aura exclaimed seeing Y/n standing there or rather what was left of him. Half of Y/n's face had been burnt off from the attack.

"Y/n!" Frieren said a little worried

"You actually scratched me" Y/n said smiling

"That's way more than a scratch" Frieren said

"Let me have this" Y/n pouted as his bone started to regenerate followed by his skin

"This is getting boring" Y/n said

"Stop acting like a child" Frieren scolded

"I'll leave her to you" Y/n said

"No matter how you look at it you're both still outnumbered" Aura said

"Leaving it to Frieren? You must have some serious faith in her or you're just really dumb" Aura taunted but Y/n didn't respond as he picked up his shirt and his robe putting it on.

"Nah she'd win" Y/n smiled as he sat down to watch the show. The fight went just as Y/n has expected Aura would try to pull her dumb technique of weighing manna but what she didn't expect was that Frieren had been suppressing her Manna all this time

"Kill your self" Frieren ordered as Aura fear was evident on her face the fear was so much that Y/n could almost taste it

"You know you were supposed to die like this" Frieren said to Y/n

"Yeah I remember you kinky weirdo" Y/n smirked as Aura curt her own head off in the background

" you think Stark and Fern won they're fight" Frieren asked

"You're the one who encouraged them, why are you asking me?" Y/n sighed

"I knew they had it in them to win the fight but I'm just a little worried is all" Frieren said

"Oh so you do have emotions"Y/n Joked as Frieren stared at him

"Nah they'd win"

"Stop saying that"

To be continued.......

I know the chapter is a little short and all I just wanted to put it out as soon as possible, I didn't really know how to include Y/n in the chapter so I just made it a little funnier, Y/n isn't overpowered he's just a little too strong hopefully we'd get to see him sweat in future chapters.

Sosou no Frieren {Frieren X Male reader}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن