Chapter 9

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Garreg Mach Dormitories: Sitri's Dorm

Jaune opens the Doors of Sitri's Dorm, he received a message from Sitri to meet at her Dorm, said they needed to discuss the missions that are about to happen today. The minute he opens the Door, Jaune is greeted with Sitri working on her Desk, she seems to by typing in a Laptop while looking at her Datapad on the Table. With her appearance now being revealed, she does not have to wear the HUNK Outfit any longer and stuck with a simple Military Gear, which comprised of a black sleeveless shirt, black bulletproof vest, black long sleeves she wore on her arms, black pants, gloves, green armor on her arms and shoulders, a couple of pouches, and she tied her hair to a ponytail.

 With her appearance now being revealed, she does not have to wear the HUNK Outfit any longer and stuck with a simple Military Gear, which comprised of a black sleeveless shirt, black bulletproof vest, black long sleeves she wore on her arms, blac...

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Sitri stops what she was doing and faced the Door. Seeing that Jaune is here, she stood up and brings a Datapad with her.

Sitri: Good, you're here. Now we can begin the briefing.

She hands over the Datapad to Jaune, he takes a look at it and is surprised by the contents.

Jaune: I see, so we are initiating three Missions at the same time. And from the last time we spoke, I was not to be a part of it.

Sitri: Things change, and we want all the help we can get.

She went over to her Desk, now showcasing a Hologram of 3 specific locations. One is that of a Fortress, the other is a Village, and the last is a small Encampment by a Ruined Temple. He also sees three images appearing on the screen, showcasing three Individuals.

Sitri: We have two Targets we aim to capture and the other is recuse. The first is my Mission, I will head over to this Fortress and take the U.S.S and Shadows to rescue a Girl named Monica von Ochs. She was kidnapped a year ago by Those Who Slither in the Dark, they plan to use one of their own to infiltrate the Monastery using the disguise of Monica.

Jaune: And from what I recall, the Datapad said she was kidnapped by a Man named Solon, who is under the disguise of a Man named Tomas in the Monastery.

Sitri: Yes, I know a lot of details about the situation, and the same can be said for the other two Individuals we will have to capture. The first among the two is Lonato Gildas Gaspard, he is the Lord of the Gaspard Region in the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus, which borders on the Adrestian Empire, and the Adoptive Father of Ashe.

Jaune: I see....and you want us to capture him because of Ashe?

Sitri: Yup, wouldn't want the Kid to lose Family even after the actions that Lonato has done. But to give a brief description about the Man, he instigated a Rebellion against the Church after they executed his Son in being part of the Tragedy of Duscur.

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