Chapter 1

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Beacon Academy: Dining Hall

In the Dining Hall of Beacon Academy, it is the middle of the day. There, we see Teams RWBY and JNPR, having their lunch in the Dining Hall of Beacon. The two teams are up on their usual antics, when all of a sudden, Jaune got a phone call. The people who noticed it were his Team and Blake, Jaune went to look and see who is calling him at this time, it is his Grandfather, Liam Arc.

Pyrrha: Jaune, is there something wrong? Who's calling you?

Jaune: Oh! It's my Grandfather, I wonder what he wants?

Jaune answers the call, he hears the voice of his Grandfather on the Scroll.

Liam: Hello, Jaune. I take it you're doing well?

Jaune: Yes I am, Grandpa. But what is it you need me for? You know I'm all the way in Beacon, right? I can't go back home until the Semester is over or if it's a Family emergency.

Liam: That I know, Jaune, and it is that topic exactly. Are you alone, right now?

Jaune looks at his friends, who can see him staring at them. He stays quiet for a few seconds and stand ups from his seat.

Pyrrha: Wait, Jaune where are you going?

Jaune: This is a private matter with my Grandfather and I need to discuss this alone.

Jaune leaves and heads towards the Hallway at a quick pace. He goes to an area and activates a device given to him by his Twin Sister, Jade Arc. This in turn, shuts off the cameras in the Hallway, he glances around to see if anyone is there and found no one. But he catches Teams RWBY and (J)NPR sneaking around, Jaune already knows why.

Jaune: Of course they would eavesdrop, knowing how snoopy they are.

He quickly teleports out of there using his Magic and goes to someplace where you won't expect, and that's the Dorm Room of Team CRDL.

Cardin: Your highness!

Cardin and his Team stood at attention when Jaune teleports in their room. The truth is, Jaune Arc isn't just a Huntsman-in-Training. He is a Prince, a Prince in the Empire of Arcadia, a hidden Continent in Remnant that the 4 Kingdoms don't know of. He is here in Beacon not to become a Huntsman, but is in hiding from events that happened in his home.

As for Team CRDL, they are Arcadians, sent alongside Jaune as his Bodyguards. Everything that Beacon knows them for is all an act to draw attention away from them, because who would care about a bunch of bullies.

The minute Jaune teleports to their room, they know it's something serious. If Jaune wishes to speak with them, he would knock, not teleport inside the room.

Jaune: At ease, boys. Gather around, it seems we have big news back home. Isn't that right, Grandpa?

He presses a button on his Scroll, which switches to a phone you would see in Arcadia. There, they see a hologram of Jaune's Grandfather.

Liam: Yes, while you are here hiding in Beacon because of the war. An incident has happened in the City of Arcadia.

Cardin: Is this involving the Bandits that appeared out of nowhere in the City? My Sister informed me about this the other day.

Liam: I'm not surprised Aya told you about it, Cardin. But yes, there were Bandits that attacked the City. The only thing is, they came from an entirety different way, one that shocked majority of the population.

Jaune: It's that portal, right? Some kind of GATE?

Liam: Yes, who informed you about this?

Jaune: Jade messaged me about it. Showed me Camera Footage of the incident, and saw a little Otaku saving a little girl from getting killed.

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