"Thanks," he mutters, his voice barely louder than a whisper.

"I think someone is waiting for you," Lori says, gesturing towards the door. Archie looks behind him to see Mellody standing there, her hands behind their back.

"What?" Archie grumbles, clearly annoyed by the interruption.

"I forgot my bag in the showers," Mellody says, swinging her arms back and forth. "So?" Archie says, rolling his eyes. "Then go get it," he adds, shaking his head in frustration.

"I'm scared, it's dark in there," Mellody whined, looking up at Archie with wide eyes.

Archie sighs, muttering under his breath as he turns towards Mellody. He doesn't really want to deal with this right now, but he knows he can't just let Mellody be scared. Sighing, he walks over to Mellody and walks with her towards the shower.

"Just grab your bag and come back," Archie says, pointing towards the shower door. Mellody nods and, taking a deep breath, runs into the shower. A few seconds later, she comes running back out with her bag, looking a little less scared.

"You could change into your pajamas," Archie suggests, looking down at Mellody.

Archie hears a sudden cry of pain and turns his head to see where it's coming from. He notices the rec room door is closed and he didn't close it. He heads over and see's Shane standing in front of Lori, who seems to be backing away from him.

"I love you," Shane says, his words slurred as he steps closer to Lori, "There's nobody here." Archie's heart starts to pound as he realize's something is very wrong.

"Please, no!" Lori pleads, her voice shaking with fear. She takes a step back, trying to distance herself from Shane, who looks shocked by her sudden outburst.

But before Shane can defend himself, Lori grabs his neck and slices her fingernails across his skin, leaving long, bleeding scratches. Shane gasps and recoils in pain, shocked by her sudden attack. She looks up to see Mellody standing in the doorway and Archie standing behind her, his face twisted in anger.

Shane groans, pain filling his voice and face as he holds his hand to his mouth. He stops, staring at Lori with a mix of shock and disbelief. Lori, on the other hand, stares back at him, frozen with fear. Shane turns away, opens the door, and leaves, leaving Lori alone in the room, tears streaming down her face.

Archie steps forward,  "Mel," he says, shaking his head, "Go to your room."

"Is Lori ok?" Melody asks, looking up at Archie with a concerned expression. She can tell by his tone and the way he growled at her that something has upset him.

"Go," Archie replies, his voice sharp and impatient. He seems like he's in a really bad mood, and Melody doesn't want to risk getting on his wrong side. She nods, realizing it's best to leave and let him cool off on his own.

Mellody slips into the room she shares with her Uncle Daryl, He is sitting against the wall, drinking from a bottle of wine, and he seems drunk. Mellody sits down next to him on the floor and looks at him ,

"Uncle Daryl, are you okay?"

Daryl looks up at her with a confused expression, "What the fuck you mean,?" he asks, his voice slurred.

He takes a sip of his wine, his eyes not quite focusing on her.

"Why the hell you askin'?" Daryl asked, taking another sip of his wine and laughing.

"You sound funny," Mellody blurts out, unsure of how to explain her concern.

"The hell does that mean?" Daryl demands, his words getting slurred as he takes another swig. He seems to be really drunk, but doesn't seem to realize it.

"You sound like daddy when he drinks," Mellody says, grinning. She likes it when Daryl is like this, when he's relaxed and funny rather than his usual serious self.

Daryl takes another swig, then looks as Archie steps into the room.

"Go to bed, both of ya," Archie says, sounding gruff and tired. He's had a long day, and it's late.
"You're not my dad," Daryl says, taking another swig. He's clearly had a lot to drink and seems to be feeling confident.

He offers the bottle to Mellody, but she quickly shakes her head, turning her nose up at it.

"Absolutely not," Archie replies, slapping the bottle out of Daryl's hand and taking it away.

"What's your problem?" Daryl demands, glaring at both of them. "I'm an adult, I can do what I want.”

, "Hay that's mine!" daryl exclaims, before he loses his balance and falls back down, causing Mellody to burst into laughter.

"Go to bed, you can have it back tomorrow," Archie says, his voice full of exhaustion. He sighs as he watches Daryl struggle to get up, seeming to want to continue drinking but not able to.

Finally, Daryl lays down where he was, and Mellody gets up and jumps onto the bed. She looks back at Daryl, unsure if he's going to join her.

"You going to get on the bed, or are you just going to lay there?" Archie asks Daryl, a hint of annoyance in his voice.

"You want me to move, move yourself bitch," Daryl says, lifting his hand and flipping Archie off. Archie rolls his eyes

Archie sits down on the bed, laying down and taking a deep breath. He throws a blanket at Daryl, and it lands on his face. Daryl let's out a grunt, but doesn't bother to move it. Mellody holds her doll, Charlotte, close to her chest, and her eyes are already closed, trying to fall asleep.

Mellody says, "Night, Archie. Night Uncle Daryl."

"Night," Daryl grumbles, before he too falls asleep. The room is quiet, and it seems like everyone is ready for a good night's rest.

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