Part 15

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Doctor came out and opened his mask. His eyes were also teary....

Jin: What happened...

Doc: I'm sorry...


Doc: I'm sorry sir but we can't save him....

Jin: (tears flowing) You're kidding right?? (hold his collar)

Doctor: (silent)

Jin: No... It can't happen ....(pushed him aside and went to the operation theatre)

Doc: Sir you can't go inside....(shout)

But Jin didn't listened to him and pushed him aside and barged inside the operation theatre. Jin saw Yoongi's lifeless body there. His charming face went pale, dry lips, slap marks and head injured. Jin can't hold it anymore and went near Yoongi and held his hand gently.

Jin: Yoongi open your eyes...(crying)

Jin: Look hyung is here... and I promise I'll never hurt you...(crying)

Jin: just open your eyes for hyung plz...(started shaking Yoongi's lifeless body)

Jin: Yoongi...

Jin looked here and there and saw the heartbeat monitor...

Jin looked here and there and saw the heartbeat monitor

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More tears started to flow from his eyes. His mind went completely blank. He can't see any hope. He also want to die at this moment but then he saw a defibrillator...

(A/N: So those who know what it is this then it's good and those who don't so a defibrillator apply an electric charge or current if the heart beat stops and may help it to start the beating again)

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(A/N: So those who know what it is this then it's good and those who don't so a defibrillator apply an electric charge or current if the heart beat stops and may help it to start the beating again)

Jin rubbed the defibrillator together and kept on Yoongi's chest. As Jin placed the defibrillator on Yoongi's chest his half body till chest went up. Jin didn't stopped the process he himself don't know that it will work or not but now he only care what if it worked... He placed the defibrillator atlest 6 to 7 times on his chest with tears flowing. But then he heard a sound from behind....

His heart started beating again.. the monitor is not showing the straight line. Jin cried in happiness and screamed for the doctor.
After listening to his voice doctors and nurses barged inside and saw Jin pointing towards the heart monitor which is showing Yoongi's heartbeat.
The doctors were amazed and to be honest they didn't used the defibrillator as they thought it will be just a waste.

The doctor said the nurse to prepare the shot and asked Jin to wait outside. Jin went outside and saw Hobi there crying while holding his head... Jin went near him and embraced him which made Hobi to cry more.

Hobi: He can't leave us hyung...(crying)

Jin: He didn't...

Hobi: Huh..

Jin: Our Yoongi didn't died Hobi. He is a fighter. His pulse got back and now doctors are treating him...(happy tears)

Hobi: Really....(crying)

Jin: Yes...(nodded)

Jin: Our Yoongi made it. He is a strong person and moreover he can't leave his hyungs....

 He is a strong person and moreover he can't leave his hyungs

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To be continued...

(Chapter was so short and maybe boring but I have chemistry exam tomorrow so... Sorry)

HYUNG,  DON'T HATE ME ✔Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora