Sheriff's Dept vs Sky Pirates pt 3

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In one moment, the wind whipped through Minori's fur, the next moment, she clipped the tiled roof of a random villager's home, and all she could see after that was a blur as her body was sent spinning. Her momentum barely waned as she skipped over a few more roofs, before she finally came up short on the next building bouncing off its wall and into a dumpster in an alleyway face first.

She must've been behind a restaurant or something because she could smell a lot of grease coming from some of the bags. Shifting her weight onto her knees, she was able to pull herself up right. Minori rolled out of the dumpster and onto the ground, taking a moment to breathe and take in what just happened. Those brass knuckles that Thunderfist used were able to produce and conduct electricity.

This was bad news if this was the case, electricity is one of her weaknesses. Minori's bangles gave her an "impenetrable defense", turned out it just meant she was indestructible and could take almost any attack head on. But there were a few ways around this. Electricity is one such an option; much like how Ashaki used mystic arts to manipulate the nervous system in Badgerclops' arm to smack himself, an electrical signal strong enough would force Minori's muscles to flex and contort against her will. Another option would be gas, as all she would have to do was breathe it in once.

This was a bad match up, this Thunderfist's dynamite punches she could take, but if he used those thunder knuckles strategically, her martial prowess would be rendered moot.

"So this is one of those "think before you act" situations Ashaki would talk about," Minori said to herself. "That's not really my strong suit, but I'll think of something surely."

Minori pulled herself onto her feet and dusted herself off. Making her way out of the alley and onto the street, she barely took two steps out before another punch struck her in the side, sending her flying again. This time she didn't gain much altitude and crashed through the glass window of a shop, knocking over shelves of porcelain and glass before she was hit the wall opposite of the broken window.

Minori groaned, pulling herself off the floor again. She must not have flown as far as she thought if that lumbering gorilla already found her. It was pretty evident that Thunderfist outmatched her in raw strength, but when it came to martial prowess and technique, Minori had few peers.

Minori broke into a run, jumping through the shattered pane of glass and back onto the street. Sprinting towards the pirate, Minori began thinking about how she should go about it. If she tried to make use of attacking nerves, that would be the best strategy, but this guy isn't going to stand still while she looks for nerves. The other option was to simply engage him in hopes that proper technique would trump his brute force.

Once she was close enough, Thunderfist swung out at her. Minori dropped to her knees and slid under the meaty fist. Once her momentum had carried her behind the lumbering ape, Minori twisted around, and set her sights on the first vulnerable point. Pushing off the ground, Minori performed a flying kick, striking the back of the Thunderfist's knee, causing his legs to buckle under his own weight. Minori scrambled to get away before he could crash on her.

Thunderfist hit the ground with a considerable thud. He pulled himself up, looking for that agile little fighter that just brought him to the ground like it was nothing. Applying some pressure to the sensitive grip in his brass knuckles, electricity arced between the two spikes that were positioned over his pinky and forefinger. He wanted nothing more than to send her flying again.

Thunderfist threw his fist forward in a jab. Minori side stepped it, stepping forward, she landed a few quick successive jabs of her own. Once Thunderfist started bringing his fist back, Minori jumped away, making sure he couldn't land another mighty blow. Thunderfist wasted no time in chasing her, trying to bring her back within arms reach. The dastardly pirate was actual quick despite his size, and before she knew it, she threw her arms up in front of her off of instinct, blocking the next punch that knocked her off of her feet again.

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