Calculated Risks

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The corridors got darker the deeper Ashaki went into the palace. Tanya was running through the palace gathering soldiers, and Mao Mao and Snugglemane were retrieving large painting for a step further into the plan. Ashaki's job however, was to buy time. But time was something they were running out of; there was less than an hour until the sun would begin to peak over the horizon, and when that happened, the moon moth would be as hard headed as Minori and would refuse to move.

Ashaki stood before a large set of double doors, on the other side was the throne room, where the moon moth had decided to makes its nest. Glaring through the one inch doors, Ashaki could see that the moth was preparing its nest up in the rafters, covering all the windows in a sticky substance. But the real issue is who was on the floor beneath the moth.

Violet stood in the center of the large hall, unmoving, waiting. Her dark fur let her meld into the surrounding darkness.

Ashaki had wasted enough time as it is, placing her hands on the doors, she swung the just open enough for her slim frame to squeeze through. The pads on her feet silenced any sounds she would make as she approached Violet.

With a flick of the ears, Violet caught the sound of Ashaki's cloak caught on the slight breeze. She turned to gaze at Ashaki's general direction, her glazed over eyes sent a small shiver up Ashaki's spine. If she wasn't careful, that could be her.

Violet burst into a sprint, locking onto Ashaki, who merely produced a small emerald green orb.

Please sister, thought Ashaki. You couldn't beat me even if you had your hat. Ashaki threw the green orb onto the floor, it's light spread across the marble like a wildfire.
Violet's charge was halted, as her body began to levitate off the floor. Violet spread her arms out, trying to find some center of balance.

Your martial arts aren't worth anything if you don't have any footholds to anchor yourself, Ashaki thought to herself. The technique she used cancelled out the pull of gravity within the room. Much similar to the technique she used to levitate herself, the was a wide spread technique, so it took a bit more focus to keep it maintained.

While Violet was sent flying through the air, Ashaki was gliding through with the grace of a swan. Ashaki levitated up towards the moth, if she could hold it in place, the plan would be good as accomplished.

If only it was that easy. Shing. The sound of something metallic cutting through the stale air between the rafters, approached Ashaki and resounding speed. Quickly covering her hands in green light, she shifter her center of balance, allowing her to twirl around and clap the object between her palms. A short blade came within a hands breadth away from sticking into Ashaki's breast. Following the path of origin, taking into account the zero gravity, which would've thrown off the knife's trajectory, Ashaki glared down at Violet, who had held herself in place on one of the pillars below.

She must have a few knives up her sleeve, Ashaki assumed, sticking the knife in her hands in one of the secret pockets of her sash. Years ago, she was thankful that Violet always came prepared, always keeping spares and then some in her hat; now that preparedness just nearly ended her.

Violet repositioned herself so that the soles of her feet were on the pillar, and with a crouch, she pushed off, flying in Ashaki's direction.

In turn, the green clad Mao rolled her eyes. Holding her hand out towards her sisters, she made a little hand gun, with the tip of her claw acting as the end of the barrel. She condensed some of her chi into it, and fired.

An emerald green light leapt from Ashaki's claw, and met Violet midway. When the light touched her, there was no sound, merely the fact that she was had been sent spinning backwards once more.

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