Training Session Pt 1

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Adorabat flew about the room, all giddy to start today's lesson. After getting stung, Mao Mao postponed any hero training until he was deemed "all clear" to be active once more. Today marks when Mao Mao is deemed fit to go back into the field, meaning hero training is back on!

Tanya slouched on the couch, watching the blue bat in amusement as she flew around Sheriff HQ. "You're really excited to go back to training, huh?" Tanya asked, nonchalantly.

Swooping down from the ceiling, Adorabat landed the couch's armrest. Looking up at tanuki woman, Adorabat began to jump up and down, light squeals could be heard in her voice. "Yeah! Mao Mao says his sisters will be taking part," half shouted Adorabat, still elated from when she heard the news. "I'm so excited my little heart just can't wait!"

"Where is Mittens anyway?" Tanya asked, her head swiveling around trying to find the aforementioned caped Sheriff.

"Oh, he's up at the castle," replied Adorabat in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Why is he there?"

"Mao Mao's getting rehavilization," replied Adorabat.

Tanya giggled to herself, finding Adorabat's mispronunciation of larger words oddly cute. "I see."

Minori groggily walked out of the kitchen, a cup of coffee tightly gripped between her hands. She shuffled over to the coffee table, dropping down to the floor as soon as she was near the table. With half lidded eyes, Minori took a sip from her mug, placing it on one of the coasters when she was finished.

Tanya smirked at the sight of a 'legendary hero' at what could be interpreted as a vulnerable moment. "Up all night were you?"

"Yeah, I was cooking myself a midnight snack," answered Minori, making sure to leave out the fact that the food wasn't for her. Turning to Adorabat, she asked, "you ready for today's training session AB?"

"Yeah, what're you gonna teach me?" Adorabat asked, her impatience to start the lesson getting the better of her.

"Me? Nothing," said Minori, much to the blue bat's dismay. "Mao Mao's the one teaching. Vi and I are just helping out with the lesson."

"Yes, so let's please stick to our brother's lesson plan," spoke a monotoned voice. The three turned to the stairs, seeing Violet coming up from the lower level.

"You say that like I don't plan to," Minori's tone dropped in pitch at the sight of her older sister.

"I know you plan to, you just have a tendency to get ahead of yourself," noted Violet, previous experiences coming to mind as she said this.

"I'm not doing this with you today," turning to the clock, Minori checked what time it was. Looked like Mao Mao was going to be home any minute now. "Let's just assist with the lesson, and we can go our separate ways."

"Agreed," replied Violet.

Confused, Adorabat looked between the two sisters, before voicing her concerns to Tanya. "I don't get it, they're sisters, why aren't they getting along?"

"You're an only child, right, kid?" Tanya asked.

"Yeah," responded Adorabat, unsure as to why that was important.

"Well you see, just because two people are related by blood, doesn't necessarily mean they'll get along," explained the vigilante, trying to keep it as simple as she could for the five year old.

"Do you have any siblings, Tanya?" Adorabat asked, seemingly out of nowhere.

Every inch of Tanya's body tensed up on hearing the question; a long moment of silence passed before she gave an answer. "Well, yes. But I don't really...," Tanya paused, looking for an appropriate word to use. "I don't really like talking about my family. Let's just leave it at that."

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