Party Time

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Disclaimer: with Snugglemane's party getting started, I've included a few songs in the following chapter, none of which I own in any way, shape, or form.

After some debate, the group had decided that the should travel on foot—this way they'd be fashionably late. As a group, they walked through the village of Pure Heart Valley, whose streets have gone dark from the lack of lights in people's houses.

Just beyond the nearby houses, a luminous light source glowed like the sun. Lights of different colors flashed for an instant before being replaced with a different color. Just a few more turns and Mao Mao and company would in the square.

Feeling something snake around his arm, the sheriff jumped in his skin. Turning to face what just wrapped around his arm, he came face-to-face with Tanya Keyes, who just smiled back at him.

"You nervous, Mittens?" Tanya asked.

"No! A hero is never nervous, they stand true in the face of the unknown!" Mao Mao exclaimed, raising his fist as way of exaggerating his point.

Tanya, in turn, only smirked and fixed her gaze back onto the path before her. As they turned the final corner, the group's mouths hung open. The sight before them was unlike anything they've ever seen. The Sweetypies were jumping up and down in sync with the beat of the song: It's Tricky by Run DMC. Stage lights hung from metal scaffolding that was bolted between the buildings. The square was lit up so brightly that unless you looked up at the sky, you wouldn't even know it was night time.

"Well..." Violet said, at a loss for words. "This is... something."

"It's a mosh pit is what it is," Minori exclaimed, her face contorting into one of pure delight. "And I'm going to go be a part of it!" Before anyone could protest, Minori dashed straight into the crowd; this is usually where she'd disappear in the crowd, but Sweetypies usually ranged between 1 to 3 feet tall, so it wasn't hard to spot her.

"I'll go find the punch bowl," Violet walked off towards the edges of the party, leaving Mao Mao alone with Tanya and Adorabat.

Mao Mao shifted his weight from one foot to the other, trying figure out what he should, what he should say. Unknowingly, his muscles were tensing from his anxiety, which Tanya felt underneath his sleeve.

"Oh lighten up Mittens," Tanya pulled the stubborn Sheriff towards the crowd. "It's a party let loose! You do remember how to let loose, right?"

Mao Mao wasted no time in taking Tanya up on her challenge. "Don't be ridiculous, of course I do!" Mao Mao's body language became more fluid, as he went along with his tanuki partner.

Making their way through the crowd, they joined in on Sweetypies and their "mosh pit", which was essentially just a bunch of marshmallows.


Over by the punch bowl, Violet poured herself a cup of Hawaiian Punch. Looking back at the crowd, she could see everyone hanging out and having fun. As much as she'd like to join them, this just wasn't her scene.

"Phew, isn't all of this just so exquisite?" Asked a high pitched voice. A lion with a pink mane stepped up next to Violet. He measured about four feet tall, with his crown adding another six inches. He eyed her with a bit of curiosity, but there was another layer to it, like he didn't care unless it was something positive. "I don't believe we've had the pleasure. I am King Snugglemane XXV."

Violet felt a tingle travel up her spine at the use of the word "king". Out of reflex, she dropped down onto one knee. "At your service, my liege."

The king released a dainty laugh that he stifled with his hand. "Oh my! But seriously, rise. This party is in honor of the work you and the rest of the Sheriff's Dept. do for the kingdom."

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