Sheriff's Department VS Sky Pirates Pt 1

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In the crash site of the Sky Pirates, Orangusnake began doing his new routine of morning workouts: Push-ups, jumping jacks, squats, lunges, etc. Orangusnake was doing push-ups currently, and on the pushing portion where he raised himself up, he put a little more strength into it, causing himself to leave the ground for long enough to clap his hands together before catching himself on the way back down.

Ever since the one Mao sister started bringing the pirates food for their troubles, they've been living the life. But all good things must come to an end eventually. Last night, Orangusnake held a meeting with the other Sky Pirates, and it was agreed that they've been gathering their strength long enough. It was time to launch their long awaited attack on the unsuspecting Pure Heart Kingdom.


Mao Mao bounced on the balls of his feet, jumping from side to side as Adorabat zoomed around, trying to land a solid strike. Adorabat was trying—and failing—to be sneaky by mixing her mystic arts training with her hero training. But Mao Mao was keen to what she was doing, and knew how to maneuver around Adorabat's head on attacks.

Violet sat in on the training session, watching silently. When Mao Mao sparred against Minori, Violet was sure there was something weird about his movements, and she was hoping to get another sight of those movements as he sparred with Adorabat. So far there was no odd movements from Mao Mao; had she just been imagining it?

Adorabat rushed at Mao Mao one more time, sure that this next strike would land. Mao Mao pivoted on his foot, Adorabat began to zoom by, missing her target. Mao Mao reached after Adorabat, grabbing her by the nape of her neck. Holding her aloft, Mao Mao tried to keep his grip as Adorabat tried to wiggle free.

"No!" Adorabat whined, her body going limp as she realized how useless it was. "That's not fair!"

"Next time, don't make your attacks easy to predict," Mao Mao lowered Adorabat to the floor. "Your attacks are too straightforward, both literally and figuratively."

"But that's all I can do with chi," Adorabat said, hanging her head.

"Hey," Adorabat looked up from the floor at Mao Mao's exclamation. "You are more than a few tricks with chi. Remember when you took on all the sky pirates by yourself? You didn't have the mystic arts then, and you don't need them now."

"He's right," Violet agreed. "Even Ashaki doesn't really need the mystic arts, they are just another tool in her arsenal. Her true weapon is her mind." Adorabat looked down, contemplating what her true weapon could be. She's been learning from other masters, learning how they do things, but what is it only she can do?

Adorabat was brought out of her thoughts by the blaring of the alarm. Mao Mao and Violet's heads whipped towards the living room.

"Looks like that's it for training," Mao Mao raised himself, starting for the garage.

Sitting on the couch, covering his ears, Badgerclops saw Mao Mao walk past. Rolling his eye, he followed Mao Mao all the way to the aerocycle, Adorabat flapping up the rear. Violet walked down the stairs jumping into the back of Tanya's truck, parked next to the aerocycle.

With a single claw, Violet made a single scratch along the lip of the back. It didn't take long for the thuds of stomping from upstairs to cascade down the steps, the image of an enraged Tanya glaring daggers at Violet.

"What do you think you're doing?" Tanya spat. "Scratching up my truck?"

"Let's get going," Violet said, ignoring Tanya's outburst.

"Let's get out of here," Mao Mao said, putting on his helmet. "Tanya being mad is something I don't want to deal with." Mao Mao wasted no time mounting the aerocycle, gripping the handles. Badgerclops and Adorabat followed his lead. With a few twists of the throttle, the aerocycle lurched forward, taking them through the curtain of water.

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