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After her close encounter with the Ruby Pure Heart, Ashaki went back to Sheriff HQ. It was after midnight, Mao Mao and his friends had already turned in for the night, Minori was lazily slumped on the couch, and Violet was assuredly on the garage couch already. The only one not present was Tanya.

Ashaki walked up the stairs to the attic, where she had made a makeshift mattress of things she had found. Settling down, her eyelids became heavy, it became hard for her to stay awake. She hated going to sleep these days, almost every time she falls asleep, she has that dream, that nightmare.


Ashaki ran through the streets, panting in a panic. She hastily checked all the alleyways, looking desperately. When their mother had returned, she was furious with them, told them to go searching. Now Ashaki and her sisters were running through the town, trying to find him.

Ashaki rushed by a shop with a decorative mirror in the display window, when she looked at it she saw herself, shorter, younger, about ten years younger.

Running into a intersection, Ashaki came across Violet. Violet donned the same worries expression she did, swiveling her head as she searched through the crowd.

"No sign of him?" Ashaki asked. Violet looked back at her, begrudgingly giving a shake of her head. "Damn it."

"I found him!" The two looked up to find their sister Hinata, hovering over the intersection, pointing them to the southwest. "Ashaki, you have to hurry!"

Ashaki and Violet began running at top speed. 'Ashaki, you have to hurry', Hinata didn't call out to Violet, that must mean he's hurt and needs medical attention. Winding through the town streets, they came upon the area where their sisters were waiting for them. Brunhilde was keeping the onlookers back, gesturing with her spear for them to step back.

"Ashaki!" Minori called out. "Hurry, he's hurt bad!"

Ashaki ran up to examine the damage, but she wasn't prepared for what she saw.


Hinata knew she shouldn't be here, but she wanted to at least see her brother up close at least once. Hinata crept into the Sheriff HQ from the office window, remaining light on her feet. From here she could see Minori resting peacefully on the couch. Before she could take another step towards her brother's room, Hinata spotted the emerald green light pouring out from the attic.

Hinata floated up the stairs, where she found a door. The light poured from the holes, under the door, through the lock, everywhere light could get through. Slowly opening the door, Hinata peaked inside, seeing Ashaki floating midair, her eyes glowing an ominous green color.

Hinata didn't need to see anything else, she immediately closed the door. Ashaki was having powerful dreams again. Last time wasn't any fun, and this one was probably worse.

But it was still too soon to reveal herself just yet. Pulling back one of her sleeves, Hinata looked at the charm around her wrist. Mulling it over, Hinata came up with an action to take. Speeding down into the garage, Hinata pulled Violet off the couch, the swiftly flew up the stairs, kicking Minori in the stomach before diving behind the couch. Once she was out of sight, Hinata heard the thud of Violet hitting the floor.


Blood, lots of blood. Up until now, Ashaki had only ever treated small wounds, and the occasional broken bone. But this, this was too much, she wasn't prepared for this.

Ashaki stood there eyes wide, her breath quickening, her heart pounding. She could see her sister's mouth moving, but nothing made it's way past the beating of her own heart.

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