Akira's Secret Power Unleashed!

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As the first rays of dawn broke through the horizon, the earth was suddenly attacked by evil forces, who unleashed chaos and destruction everywhere. The brave Z fighters wasted no time and rushed to the scene to put an end to the mayhem. However, the humans were no match for the overwhelming power of the attackers, and they were defeated one after another, leaving the planet in a state of despair.

Just when things seemed to be hopeless, a glimmer of hope emerged as Raditz stepped in and avenged the fallen humans by killing the powerful Nappa. His bravery inspired the remaining fighters to keep up the fight and never give up.

Among them was Piccolo, who engaged in a long and grueling battle with the formidable Vegeta. The fight was intense, and it seemed like the odds were against him. However, Piccolo didn't give up and fought with all his might to protect his planet. Meanwhile, Akira and Goku arrived at the scene, and Akira immediately joined the fight against Vegeta.

As the battle progressed, Vegeta's armor started to rip, and his pupils disappeared. His body began to grow, and brown hair started to sprout all over him. He grew larger and more powerful by the moment, proving to be a challenging opponent for the Z fighters. Despite the growing threat, they didn't lose hope and continued to fight with all their strength.

Suddenly, Vegeta began to transform into a great Ape, growing larger than the mountains, with his eyes turning crimson and the bottom half of his face shaping into a muzzle. The transformation made him even more dangerous and difficult to defeat. Undeterred, Akira rushed in to try to punch Great Ape Vegeta, but Vegeta threw him away into the mountain, showing his immense strength and power.

As Akira uses his full power in his base and tries to attack the great ape Vegeta Goku joins in and attacks Vegeta with Akira but it does no damage as they remember the weakness of the Saiyans.

But before they can go and attack Vegeta's tail Vegeta stomps on them both ripping their gi as they spit out blood but they rush back to fight Vegeta together both firing a ki beam at Vegeta but it does nothing.

As the intense battle between Goku, Akira, and Vegeta continues, Akira instructs Goku to use a new technique that he has just learned. Goku focuses his energy and charges his ki, causing his muscles to bulge in size. With a loud battle cry of "KAIOKEN TIMES 2!", a red aura Appears around Goku as Goku rushes towards Vegeta and lands a powerful punch that causes some damage to the Saiyan prince.

In a fierce battle against Great Ape Vegeta, Akira and Goku join forces to launch a powerful attack. Together, they deliver a devastating blow that sends Vegeta crashing into a nearby mountain. Although it seemed like they had defeated him, Vegeta quickly recovered and retaliated with a powerful mouth beam. The beam hits Akira, knocking him out of his Enraged boost and sending him flying back into another mountain. Goku, who was using Kaioken, also gets hit by the beam and gets knocked back, crashing into yet another mountain. Despite their best efforts, it seems that their battle with Vegeta is far from over.

As Goku and Akira slowly rise to their feet, they quickly start to strategize their next moves. They need to come up with a plan to take down Vegeta, who is in his Great Ape form. However, Vegeta does not give them any chance to attack his tail as he constantly dodges their moves. Suddenly, with an explosive kick, Great Ape Vegeta sends Goku flying across the battlefield, leaving Akira alone to face the ruthless Saiyan warrior.

Akira rushes back and Kicks Vegeta but it does nothing Vegeta Grabs Akira squeezing him tightly breaks Akira's bones then drops him and stomps on Akira once More as Akira is barely hanging on to life.

In the heat of their intense battle, Vegeta launches a powerful kick towards Akira, making contact with his opponent's body and sending him flying into the nearby mountains. The impact of the kick causes the mountains to crumble and collapse, resulting in massive destruction of the surrounding area. In retaliation, Akira quickly recovers and attempts to launch an attack on Vegeta, but before he can do so, Vegeta swiftly punches him into the ground, leaving him stunned and helpless. The force of the punch causes the ground to shake and crack beneath Akira, further intensifying the already chaotic and intense battleground.

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