22nd World Tournament pt.2

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The World Martial Arts Tournament is a highly anticipated event that the martial arts community looks forward to every year. The most anticipated match of the tournament is between Yamcha and Tien, and it has finally begun. The two fighters are seen giving it their all, leaving no stone unturned to come out victorious. Yamcha, known for his lightning-fast speed, initiates the attack, and the two exchange blows for a few moments.

While Tien lands the first hit, Yamcha responds with a powerful strike of his own, indicating that he will not go down without a fight. Determined to take the lead, Yamcha unleashes his signature move, the New Wolf Hurricane Attack, an impressive flurry of rapid strikes aimed at Tien. Despite the onslaught, Tien remains composed and counters Yamcha's attack with a forceful punch to his stomach, sending him tumbling to the ground.

The crowd gasps in surprise as Yamcha struggles to regain his footing, looking a little dazed. In a desperate attempt to turn the match around, Yamcha decides to go all out and uses the Kamehameha technique, which even surprises Krillin and Roshi. However, Tien sees the move coming and prepares to defend against it, reflecting the attack back at Yamcha when it gets close to him.

Yamcha leaps into the air to avoid his own attack, but in his distraction, he fails to notice Tien getting right behind him. As Yamcha comes down from the air, Tien hits him with a strong kick, sending him crashing back to the arena floor and knocking him out. However, Tien isn't quite satisfied with just winning the match. As Yamcha falls to the ground, he does a knee dive, breaking Yamcha's leg and causing him immense pain.

Goku, Krillin, and Puar enter the ring to check on their friend, with Puar quickly transforming into a magic carpet to ferry Yamcha to the hospital. Bulma and Launch also leave to go with him. Goku then promises revenge on Tien for his unneeded brutality, but Tien simply shrugs it off.

In the second match, Man-Wolf enters the ring and expresses his desire for revenge on Jackie Chun, stating that he destroyed the moon during the last World Martial Arts Tournament, which has left Man-Wolf unable to turn back into a human and deprived of any chances to get a date.

Man-wolf attacks Jackie Chun furiously, but Jackie Chun easily evades him and counter-attacks, showcasing his superior skills. Jackie Chun does not even pay much attention to Man-Wolf, preferring instead to ogle the women in the audience. After Man-Wolf is kicked to the side of the arena, he pulls out a knife and lunges at Jackie Chun, but Jackie Chun easily catches the knife and throws Man-Wolf across the arena.

Feeling pity for his opponent, Jackie Chun decides to turn him back into a human. Before he does, however, he has some fun by giving Man-Wolf a series of orders, such as "beg," that one would give to a dog. Man-Wolf instinctively obeys at first but quickly snaps out of it, even more infuriated. Jackie Chun then ends the match by tossing a bone outside the arena, which Man-Wolf promptly fetches, disqualifying himself.

Although the match is officially over, Man-Wolf gets back in the ring and charges at Jackie Chun but is stopped when Jackie Chun uses a paralyzing attack to halt him in his tracks. Jackie Chun then calls Krillin into the ring and has him stand in front of Man-Wolf with his back to him, exposing his bald head; Jackie Chun then hypnotizes Man-Wolf into thinking that Krillin's head is actually the moon. Man-Wolf then promptly turns back into a human and, overjoyed, thanks Jackie Chun before running off in glee.

In the last match, Krillin goes up against Chiaotzu, who surprises Krillin with his unnatural movements, moving across the ring without moving his actual body. Chiaotzu gets the first kick in, launching Krillin into the air; when he moves in for a follow-up strike, Krillin dodges with a flip and, on landing launches his own attack, which Chiaotzu is able to avoid due to his ability to control himself while in the air.

Krillin then lunges at Chiaotzu and, at the last second, uses the Afterimage Technique to seemingly vanish, startling Chiaotzu. Tien then warns Chiaotzu that Krillin is on his left, but Chiaotzu is unable to determine which way is left until it is too late and Krillin scores a powerful hit on him. They then spar for a bit until Chiaotzu takes to the air.

Krillin does not jump after him as, since he cannot fly, he risks being knocked out of the ring. While safe in the air, Chiaotzu then starts firing off multiple Dodon Rays at Krillin, which he avoids. Goku recognizes the technique as that of Mercenary Tao, and surprises Tien when he states it; when Tien asks Goku how he knows that name, Goku tells him that he killed Tao earlier.

Tien leaves in a rage to inform his master, and Jackie Chun, also surprised that Goku was able to kill Mercenary Tao, informs Goku that Tao is the Crane Hermit's younger brother. Back in the ring, Krillin is still evading Chiaotzu's assault; he realizes that the only chance he has is to retaliate and attempts to use the Kamehameha.

On his first attempt, Krillin only manages to create a small energy burst that travels less than a foot; he's still excited to have made any progress at all.

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