King Piccolo Saga pt.1

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The 22nd Tenkaichi Budokai tournament was a thrilling and unforgettable experience for all the fighters who participated in it. The competition brought out the best in each of them, and they experienced an extraordinary surge in their overall power levels. Each fighter trained relentlessly, day and night, to push their limits and improve their skills. And as a result, two of the fighters, Goku and Akira, made remarkable progress and achieved an impressive power level of 678 by tapping into their full potential.

However, the true test of their strength came when they transformed into their Great Ape and Ikari states. Upon doing so, they unleashed an incredible amount of power that left everyone in awe. Their power levels skyrocketed to an astonishing 6870, showcasing their immense strength and power.

It's worth noting that if these two fighters decided to fight together in their base forms, their power levels would increase by 1356, which is a testament to their immense strength and power. The level of strength and power they possess is truly remarkable, and it's hard to imagine what heights they will reach in future battles.

To put their advancements in perspective, let's consider the likes of King Piccolo, who had a power level of 750 in his old age and 817 in his youth. Similarly, Tien's power level was measured at 570, while Krillin's was close behind at 548. And Yamcha at a small 290. These remarkable power levels demonstrate the significant advancements the fighters made in their abilities and techniques.

Their skills have evolved to a whole new level, and they have become even more formidable opponents. However, their newfound strength and abilities did not go unnoticed. As they trained to push their limits, they sensed an evil ki far away. Goku and Akira knew that it was a sign of trouble, and they set out to investigate.

As they approached the source of the evil ki, they landed nearby and saw King Piccolo, who had returned to wreak havoc on the world. Without wasting any time, King Piccolo attacked Yamcha with a powerful punch that sent him flying through multiple mountains, breaking all his facial bones. The impact was so severe that Yamcha could hardly move. Seeing this, Goku and Akira were filled with rage and determination to stop King Piccolo at any cost.

However, King Piccolo wasn't done yet. He stretched his arm towards Yamcha, grabbed him, and threw him onto the ground, further breaking the rest of his bones. Then, in a final move, he impaled Yamcha, killing him instantly. This new development poses a significant threat to the fighters, and it remains to be seen how they will handle this challenge.

In a desperate attempt to stop King Piccolo, Tien steps up knowing he can't hold back any of his power and rushes at King Piccolo, trying to hit him. However, even at his old age, Piccolo dodges Tien's attack and kicks him far away. King Piccolo's almost 1000-year fighting experience quickly knocks out everyone else as he summons his children to find the dragon ball and kill them later. The fighters are left in a state of shock and devastation, wondering how they can possibly defeat King Piccolo and save the world once again. Only time will tell if they can rise to the occasion and overcome this new challenge.

As they realize they need to get stronger but not let demon king Piccolo get the dragon balls, the remaining z fighters spilt up. Goku and Akira remember a village they saved some time ago and head there to seek help. As they speak to the villagers, they learn about Korrin, a wise old cat, who lives in a tower not far from the village. The villagers tell them that if they can climb the tower and reach Korrin, he might be able to help them get stronger.

Determined to get stronger and defeat King Piccolo, Goku and Akira set out to climb the tower. As they climb for what seems like forever, they finally reach Korrrin's tower. Korrin sees them and listens to their story, realizing the gravity of the situation. He decides to train them, and after a few weeks, he gives them the Ultra Divine water, a water that boosts a person's power significantly. However, there is a catch: only pure-hearted people can survive this water. If a single ounce of evil is in you, you will die. Goku and Akira know the risks, but they are willing to take them to become stronger and save the world from King Piccolo's tyranny.

As it gives Goku the new power level of 829 (because plus the training ) but for Akira it taps him to his elite saiyan potential and give him a power level of 964.8 as goku and Akira continue to train for weeks and weeks to continue pushing their power levels higher until goku reach the final power level of 974 and Akira with 996 (he was more focused on getting goku to his level) .

DRAGON BALL: AKIRADonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora