Chapter Nine: Coronation (P1)

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    AN HOUR OR SO LATER Ben and Payton are walking across the field toward the two tables of students, where they know the VKs are. Payton hasn't said a word to Ben since she woke up, but not because she was mad at him, no, she's mad at herself. If she had just let it go when Wendy was talking about Pan, none of them would be in this situation. Her blind loyalty to her father has gotten her in trouble, not the first nor the last time this will happen.

    The couple approach the silent table and Payton immediately sits down by Mal, letting Ben do the majority, if not all, of the talking.

    "Hey, guys!" Ben says, his voice upbeat, trying to lighten the mood. "How is everyone?"

    No one responds, or even looks at Ben for the matter. He sighs, "Yeah?"

    They still don't react, so Ben tries harder, "Hey, listen. Forget about it. All right? It was nothing. Forget about it. Let it go."

    Payton scoffs as Ben says that. Ignoring his girlfriend's obvious disagreement, Ben puts his hands on her shoulder and continues to speak to the group of VKs.

    "Tomorrow, after the coronation, I promise everything will be okay," Ben tries to reassure them before leaning down to Payton's ear. "I have to go."

    Ben smiles at all of them one more time, "I'll see you guys later."

    Ben walks away and the five of them continue their silence.

    Evie thinks about all the things Chad said to her. The name she called her. Her mother prepared her to get a life in a royal family, but not to deal with the backlash of getting there. Evie can admit, due to what her mother taught her to do, and how to be, she does have some gold digging and cheating tendencies, but those don't define her as a person. Ever since being there, Evie has actively worked to change and grow as a person, and even got a B+ on a test without any extra help. She also has been having growing feelings for someone with the lowest level of royalty status on campus, a dwarf's son.

    Jay can't get it out of his head that the people who have played alongside him in tourney, are the same people who threw him under the bus a little under an hour ago. A few months ago, Jay would have relished in the fact of someone saying he "enjoys hurting people," because, back then, he did. But ever since that talk on the bench with Coach, he knew he was made for more. He has all this built up aggression and strength that he needs to get out, and now he has so many healthy ways to do so. All of them will soon be revoked.

    Mal can't help but realize how much she has been disappointing her mother since she's been here, but part of her doesn't care. She's not the center of attention, like her mother would want, nor is she flying under the radar from scheming every second. Mal has just.. been. She's been living without the pressure of people depending on her. Not her mother because she's on the island and not her friends because they've all been living their own exciting lives. But at every move she makes, she is reminded that she has to do this for her mother.. she just has to.

    Carlos still hasn't talked to Payton about what he knows and it's killing him inside, but how does he do it? How do you walk up to a villain kid and say you know possibly their best kept secret? For most villain kids, who their unknown parent is, is a touchy subject. Carlos knows this is for him. If someone came up to him and said they knew his father, he would be terrified. He's only ever had one conversation with his father and it didn't end well. But at the same time if one of his friends knew and didn't say anything, he would be hurt as well. Especially if they could've been helping him keep his secret. He needs to tell her soon.. and the clock is running out.

    Payton's head is spinning with a million thoughts. Her main one being: why did I think I could do this? She really wants to go back to the isle. Back to what she knows. But she knows she can't. She has real feelings for Ben.. but her father comes first. She knows she needs to do whatever it takes to free him and get all the boys back to Neverland. Her brothers too, metaphorical and literal.

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