Chapter Eight: Croquet

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    NEXT DAY Payton is walking into the lush courtyard with the other VKs for the Family Day celebrations. She has never seen so many people in one place before and she's starting to feel a little claustrophobic, but she is glad she dressed up. Not a single person is underdressed, making her feel more comfortable in her outfit.

    Payton has picked out a light green dress that flows just below her knees. It has a sweetheart neckline and is extenuating around the waist. The straps are thin ribbons that tie into bows on her shoulders. She also has on deep blue high heels made out of velvet which she asked to borrow from Evie this morning. The girl gladly handed them over. To tie the two articles of clothing together, Payton made a flower crown that has a mix of blues and greens, some in the exact colors of her dress and shoes.

    As the VKs are approaching the center of the crowd, they hear singing. Turning her head, Payton smiles when she sees her boyfriend front and center singing the song from his mother's first night in the castle. Be Our Guest, Payton thinks it's called.

    Watching Ben toss his napkin to some girls makes her giggle. The two girls fangirling over him makes Payton feel giddy that she gets to be the one walking around with him on her arm, but if they try anything she'll.. politely.. let them know who his girlfriend is.

    Payton looks behind those two girls to see Ben's parents and her heart stops. She takes a deep breath and turns away.

    "That's a problem for later me," Payton mumbles inaudibly to herself.

    Shaking her head, she focuses back on Ben's performance. He's enjoying himself and Payton can't help the smile that makes its way onto her face. He's dancing and singing with his friends and it's really enjoyable to watch for everyone in the crowd. Even Mal cracks a smile at the silly dance moves the group is doing.

    The song comes to a close and Ben happily comes up to an underclassman, Amethyst, who goes by Amy, daughter of Ariel, and respectfully kisses her hand. Hearing his name being called, Ben smiles toward Payton before making his way over to his awaiting parents.

    "That was so lovely!" Belle exclaims softly to her son as he walks over. She hugs him and kisses his temple gently and Adam pats his son on the back in pride. Soon enough, a photographer comes over and asks to take a few family photos of the trio. They all smile and nod in agreement and they stand up on the steps behind them.


    They all shuffle into place before Ben perks up, "Oh. By the way, I have a new girlfriend!"

    Both parents gasp in excitement at Ben's words. The photographer quickly gets a candid photo of the moment as they continue their conversation.

    "Oh!" Belle says excitedly before scoffing slightly. "Well, I never wanted to say anything, but I always thought Audrey was a little self-absorbed with that fake smile and kind of a kiss-up."

    Ben and Adam both choke out a chuckle at Belle's words. The photographer continues to take some photos of the family, trying to get the levels right for the area they are standing in.

    "Do we know your new girlfriend?"

    "Sort of," Ben responds. "Payton!"


    The photographer takes a photo right as Ben calls for his girlfriend, not noticing that both of his parents' faces have dropped. The boy steps away to go walk over and introduce Payton correctly, and Belle's eyes roll back. Falling back slightly, Belle thanks Adam for keeping her from hitting the ground.



    Ben pulls Payton in for a hug and kisses her temple softly, "They'll love you."

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