He wasn't going to get over Nico's little trip anytime soon.

But he was able to take his focus from his partner for a small moment.

"Riley," he called to me, so I turned my attention to him, and the rest quieted down. "I'm going to interrogate one of the surviving attackers tomorrow morning, so I want you and Reid to come with us so you can observe."

"Yes, sir," I said in excitement.

He was finally giving me something to do without me having to beg!

"I usually do the interrogations, but it is something you need to master as well," he added.

"Yes, sir," I said again.

"Now remember, this is a terrorist, and apparently it was you who put a knife in his leg, so he may not be pleasant to work with," he told me. "You'll most likely be out of his view in the spectating area, but you can handle verbal abuse in case you need to be in the same room with him, correct?"

"Yes, sir," I said. "It's nothing new."

Reid let out a quiet snort. "I'll cut off his tongue if he says one bad word about my partner..."

"Easy there, boy," Captain said and chuckled, while the others hid their smirks. "I need him to sing for me. We have no idea who is behind the attack against Michael, or why."

"Attacking Mercer in his home was a bold move," Daz said. "Way too bold. The entire mafia is pissed and looking for blood. There aren't many who have the guts to piss them off."

"We may know more tomorrow," Captain said.

I wasn't really paying attention to them, mostly because I was watching Reid from the corner of my eye. If I'd had concerns about getting verbally abused by a terrorist, those concerns were already gone. I smiled a little, then turned back to my own plate.

I was suddenly really happy about the fact that Captain had insisted on putting us two together even though it had seemed like a really bad idea at first. I'd one day ask how he knew we would be a good fit, because I certainly had not seen how things could ever work out between us.

And now, only a month later, I couldn't picture having someone else as my partner.


Reid and I had an early wake up in the morning since the interrogation was scheduled at nine back at the base. We got up at seven, ate, got dressed, and followed Captain and Nico outside to the former's Jeep. On our way to the base, Captain talked about interrogations in general to give me some kind of idea about what to expect and what to do in case things with the inmate escalated. It wasn't really anything I didn't already know, but I didn't mind the quick briefing.

We arrived at the base, and Captain drove us straight to the facility where our prisoners were held before they got sentenced and shipped to whichever prison they belonged to. I got out of the car, straightened my uniform, and put on my mask, then followed the others to the main entrance.

I was glad about the mask. It was hiding my smile that I couldn't really contain after I noticed how closely Captain was watching over his partner. He wasn't letting Nico out of sight, and now he barely let him take two steps away from him. Poor Nico...

But he did seem to enjoy the attention.

I forced myself to focus on the matter in hand when we entered the building, and a man in a prison guard uniform came to show us the way. He led us through several hallways and heavy doors until he finally stopped behind a large, sturdy door and turned to Captain.

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