She approached a large modern modern-looking house on the edge of the city and parked in front of it. Without even locking her car, she ran up to the door and began banging on it. "Lucas! Open up! It's me!" She continued banging, but no answer. "Lucas?" Moving to the side of the house on a grassy area, she furrowed her brows seeing that no car was in the driveway. Either he was parked inside the garage or he wasn't home.

She ran back to the front of the house and plastered her face against the window that overlooked the living room. A suit jacket lay across a couch, but all the lights in the room were out. "Fuck, he's not home."

"Talia?" Lucas' deep voice made her jump and she stumbled over the bush she was in front of and fell to the ground. "Oh my God, are you okay?"

She picked herself back up quickly and brushed herself off before looking at him. "Hey, Lucas!" He was breathing hard and sweat lined his forehead as he carried what looked like a brown paper grocery bag. She scrunched her face. "Were you on a run?"

"Ethan texted saying something happened and you were on your way here. I ran back from the grocery store. What's happening? Are you okay?" His eyes glanced over her like he was checking if she had a missing limb.

She shook her head and tried to straighten her stance. "I'm here because I'm pissed off!" A twig fell from her hair and she flung her hand in the air briefly. For a moment they stood there just breathing hard, looking like they both just ran a marathon.


"Okay? That's all you have to say? You don't want to know why I'm pissed off?"

Lucas furrowed his brows in confusion before using the back of his hand to wipe off the sweat on his forehead. "Tal, you're always pissed off."

She tried taking in a deep breath to steady herself. "Not like this! I fucking told you not to drop out, and what do you do? You fucking drop out!"

Lucas closed his eyes. "Who told you?"

"It doesn't matter! You promised me, Lucas!"

His eyes shot open and a fire lit behind his irises. "I promised you I wouldn't drop out of the competition. We were past the competition at that point."

"For like zero point one second!"

"I'm not sorry for what I did. I told you, you deserve the position."

Talia shook her head. "No, I don't! You deserve it! That's why I dropped out today. The job is yours, Lucas!"

The bag in his hands dropped to the floor. "No!"

"Yes! I'm out. I don't want it. It's yours!"

"I don't fucking want it." His voice was loud and someone walking their dog glanced over from the sidewalk.

"No! You don't get to be pissed! I'm pissed!"

"Talia, you've waited your whole life for this job! Don't quit because you found out I dropped out. Don't let your fucking pride get in the way of what's yours!"

"I dropped out before I knew what you did!"

Lucas' eyes grew wide. "What?"

"I quit, Lucas! I couldn't sign the paperwork. The past couple of weeks have been hell for me! I've been a mess without you. I thought it was what I wanted. I thought I could solve all my problems by reaching the top. But it turns out, I fucking can't! This whole time I've thought men were my biggest enemy. And when I found out you started the rumor, it just sort of confirmed it fully for me. But the more time passed, the more I realized how fucked up that situation was. They fired me over a stupid rumor that a kid heard at a party?" She scoffed. "Like what the fuck? They didn't even hear me out or look into the allegations." She took a deep breath trying to calm her voice. The neighbors were surely calling up the police by now. "I thought you were my enemy, Lucas. I thought you were the reason for all the hardships in my life. But in reality, it's the fucked up system that's caused all of it. It's our industry. It's the fucking economy who doesn't want to give me a goddamn break." That sadistic bitch.

Lucas opened his mouth to say something but no words came out.

Talia continued with tears lining her eyes. "I know how much you've been hurting these past few weeks, and I'm so sorry for putting you through that. I'm so unbelievably sorry, Lucas! You must think I'm such a bitch! I told you I loved you and then left you when things got hard." She shook her head. "I'm done fighting a system that's broken. I'm done running away from feelings that scare the hell out of me. I want to be with you. I want to work with you. I want to do everything on this earth with you!"

Leaving his grocery bag behind, Lucas swiftly reached Talia. He grabbed her and slammed his lips against hers. Her body erupted in flames as their mouths molded together. He picked her up and she wrapped her arms and legs around him. They continued kissing as he moved them into the house and slammed the door behind them. "Take your fucking clothes off," he panted out.

They stumbled through the house to his bedroom, kissing and removing their garments from each other through the process. Being with Lucas again, touching him again, lit Talia's nerves aflame like never before. She missed everything about him. His smell. His laugh. His smile. The cute little mole on the side of his pelvis.

"I missed you," she breathed out as she stepped out of her underwear.

"I missed you so much." He shoved his fingers inside of her and she moaned. "Fuck, Habibti. I missed this pussy, too. And these tits too." His other hand pinched her nipple sending shockwaves through her.

She grabbed onto his cock and began pumping, eliciting a groan out of him. "I missed your big cock. Get it inside of me. Now."

He grabbed her chin and forced her to look at him. A smirk painted his face. "What have I said about bossing me around?"

"You love it."

He chuckled. "I fucking missed you so much." He repositioned them so her back was against the bed. They rolled around kissing, naked bodies intertwined with each other.

A squeal of excitement left her lips as Lucas flung her up onto his lap. She quickly straddled him as he positioned himself in front of her entrance. "I missed-" She stopped and gasped when Lucas rammed himself into her.

"Fuuuuck. You're so, so wet for me." He began thrusting in and out. "This is it, baby. It's just us from now on."

"Just us, mmmm, yes, Lucas!" His finger strummed her clit as he continued to thrust in and out.

"I mean it, Tal. I want to be with you long-term. You're it for me."

"You're it for me too," she panted out as her stomach began coiling within her and the pleasure began mounting.

"Good, then we agree, we'll be together forever?" Lucas increased the pressure against her clit and her head dropped forward against his chest.

"Yes! God, yes! Forever, Lucas! Anything you want!" The pressure continued to build and soon Talia was starting to see spots cloud her vision.

"Marry me, Talia," he grunted out as his movements grew more ragged.

Those words forced her to the point of no return. Shots of pleasure began firing off rapidly through her. Lucas' warm cum filled her and she squeezed herself around his body as she moaned out his name.

They fell back against the bed together once Lucas pulled out, and Talia lay on top of him breathing hard. Her body bobbed up and down from his rapid breathing and she closed her eyes, relishing the sound of his wild heartbeat. She glanced up and their eyes locked. Her heart swelled. She had never felt so happy and so free. There were an endless amount of possibilities for them to do together. Their careers were a blank slate, and they could do anything they pleased. Talia could conquer the world if she wanted to and Lucas would be there to cheer her along. He could all of a sudden decide to scale Antarctica and she'd be there holding his water bottle for him. It was him. Always him.

She smirked before giggling. "Just name the date and I'm there."

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