"Why would I hate you, lady Ayda?"

Ayda made her eyes sparkle:

"Really? You don't find me disgusting or annoying?

-Not at all."

Ayda wasn't pleased by that answer. Seriously? What more did she have to do to be hated by this woman? It shouldn't be so hard to be hated. Usually it was the other way around.

"Are you sure?"

Nifsara dared to smile.

"There is nothing that the young Lady could do that would make me hate you."

Ayda's blood started boiling. Just you wait, Nifsara. Ayda could easily be annoying. She would be the clingiest person on Earth and make Nifsara go crazy. The Commander would plead with Ayda for her to leave by the time she was done.

"Then... Wouldn't you mind me expressing my love more?

-You don't have to express your gratitude, lady Ayda. It is a pleasure to have you around. I wouldn't have done anything differently."

Ayda frowned. There were so many things wrong with that sentence. She didn't even know where to start.

"What? Gratitude?

-Ayda is a very generous person. I fear that you think that you owe me something. As I said, I helped you because I wanted to. Seeing you healing is more than enough. You can thank me by being happy."

Healing? On the contrary, being close to Nifsara was making her sick. Ayda couldn't hold back a nervous laugh:

"Wait. I think there's been a misunderstanding here. I love you. As in L-O-V-E love you."

Nifsara didn't hesitate a second:

"And I love you too."

Ayda hated the sound of that.

"No, I mean, I love you as in : I want to kiss you."

Just thinking about it made Ayda shutter. She wanted Nifsara's face to stay as far away as possible from her. Just as she was thinking that however, Nifsara's face suddenly turned cold. Really cold. Ayda got so surprised that she forgot to talk for a second. She had never seen Nifsara so irritated. The next second it was gone but it was too late. Ayda had seen it and it seemed her plan was finally working! Nifsara seemed disgusted at the thought of having Ayda in love with her.

"Lady Ayda... I think you are being mistaken."

If Nifsara said one more time that Ayda confused love with gratitude, she was going to kick her.

"I am not. I really do love you. I love you with all my heart."

Ayda never confessed to anyone before therefore she had no idea if she was doing it right. Maybe she should have yelled less and pretended to be a bit more shy. It was too late anyway. It seemed to be working because Nifsara looked speechless. Ayda jumped on the occasion:

"I never felt such a thing before. I always thought that people in love looked stupid and cringe but I am one of them now."

Ayda hoped that that would be enough to convince Nifsara because she was running out of ideas.

"Lady Ayda... I would love to believe you but I am afraid you would feel the same way if it had been someone else that extended a helping hand. I don't mean to criticize you, lady Ayda. It is only natural.

-No. It can only be you."

Who else could kill her? Even the villain didn't succeed.

"I didn't fall in love with you because you helped me. I fell in love with you and that's all.

-Then what made you develop such feelings?"

Nifsara seemed very sure that Ayda was lying. Way too sure for it not to be annoying. Ayda wanted to prove her wrong but she couldn't come up with anything. What would she love about Nifsara?

"You... You are gorgeous!"

Who wouldn't be attracted to someone conventionally attractive? Ayda felt really proud of her excuse but it didn't seem to be enough for Nifsara:

"I didn't get the impression that you are the superficial type.

-What is wrong with that? Can't I be attracted to you first and then fall in love with you?

-I believe that your vision of love still needs to ripen."

Did she just call Ayda childish? Seeing Nifsara's smirk was the last straw and Ayda had a hard time controlling her breathing.

"I beg to differ. At first I was attracted to your beauty but soon I came to fall in love with every aspect of you. I realized that you were serious, calm, thoughtful, righteous... You are an amazing commander and your men trust you for a reason."

Ayda suddenly remembered what she liked most about Nifsara:

"And you are very sexy with a sword!"

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