Chapter Three : Blossoms

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"I'm sorry; Please god, save both of them."

Here, Felix is literally cursing himself outside the Operation theatre and apologizing to the god for the mistake, he didn't even commit. On the other hand, Deeti is laying on the bed of operation room, she is scared and happy as well. A mixed emotion is roaming through her mind. This is the moment she was waiting for a long time but she didn't ever thought that she has to go through the C- section or we can say Cesarean section. She was totally capable of giving birth through normal delivery but may be it happens because of  excessive blood loss. By laying on the operation table she is just accepting her fate and wishes for the good thing, coming into their life to make their life more blessed. After some time a nurse came with an anesthesia injection and injects the medicine into the lower part of her waist, where it can mixed with Cerebrospinal fluid. In C-Section many doctor preferred to go through with spinal anesthesia as it is safe for patient. Deeti closed her eyes; within few minutes her body become numb after getting the anesthesia. Operation started at the right time but there is another storm was waiting for them. During the operation when they are totally ready to take the baby out, at that time Dr. Kaur noticed that it will not be so easy to take the baby out as Umbilical cord twisted around the baby's neck. This generally happen if baby moves so much in the mother's womb. Now the problem is if they tried to take out the baby forcefully, it has highly chances that baby will die during the process due to lack of oxygen supply. But Dr. Kaur is an very experienced gynae; so without getting nervous she put her two finger between the baby's neck and umbilical cord and cut the cord carefully. After that they took the baby out from the womb and took a deep breathe of relief. Everyone present in the operation theatre sighed in relief too. They are satisfied with the fact that they have managed to save the child's life and mother is also out of danger. After that they stitched the area and put the baby in an incubator for further observation. After completing the operation Dr. Kaur came out from the operation room.

Here, Felix was literally holding his breathe around 45 minutes or may be more than that

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Here, Felix was literally holding his breathe around 45 minutes or may be more than that. He was eagerly waiting outside of the operation theatre to know about his precious two life who were fighting there. As soon as he saw doctor came out from the operation theatre, he asked to her in hurry, "What happen doctor?" He is feeling restless and anxious, now only Dr. Kaur's statement can give him some relief.

"Congratulation, Mr. Kolan your wife gave birth to a baby girl." Doctor stated by assuring him.

"And my wife? Is she fine?" There is worry in his tone for his beloved wife, who is as precious as his child.

"Everything is fine Mr. Kolan. There is no need to be worried anymore. Your wife and baby both are absolutely fit and fine."

"OK, thank you doctor for saving their life. Can I see them?"

"No, actually your wife is still unconscious due to anesthesia and we kept the baby in incubator. You've to wait for some more time."

"But doctor you said both are fine then why does my baby in incub...bator or something like that?"

"Oho! It's just a safety process for Cesarean baby. There has nothing serious in this Mr. Kolan and just for your information an Incubator is just a biomedical device appears like a box or a clear glass bassinet that helps in providing medical care to the newborn by providing an environment which is kind of similar to the mothers womb, keeping them warm and protecting them from allergens or environmental pathogens." 

"Uhh.......I understand. Again very very thank you Dr. Kaur."

"It's fine Mr. Kolan. As a doctor it is my duty to try my best for the sake of each and every patient. So, I have just done my job."

"Hmm...when will I be able to meet them?"

"Within half an hour your wife will be shifted to the general ward then you can meet with her but for baby you can only watch her from the outside of the incubator as it is for her safety."

"Yeah...Yeah...I can understand."

After some time Felix headed towards the general ward to see his beloved wife but Deeti is still unconscious. He sat near the Deeti's bed, holds her hand and said, "Thank you honey for this lovely gift. I'm so happy today." His each and every word holds so much emotion. Then he saw that Deeti is regaining her conscious, she slowly opened her eyes and saw that her husband is holding her hand and his both eyes are teary. Deeti tried to sat on the bed but she couldn't due to operation. So, she rested her head again to the bed and asked her husband, "Where is my baby?"

"She is fine but for now doctor kept her in the incubator for her safety"

"Why? Is my baby......."Deeti asked in a worried tone but Felix cuts her words and said, "Yeah honey, She is absolutely fit and fine, it's just for safety and help her to adjusting the environment slowly."

"But Is baby a...?" 

"Yes, you gave birth to my precious little princess"

After some time doctor came to check Deeti, is she fine or not. It is just an after operation check up. After checking her properly doctor said, "everything is fine, there is no complication. If everything goes well, you can get discharged after one week. And I must say, you and your baby both are great fighter."

"Thank you doctor. Umm....." Deeti said with a pleased smile.

"Do you want to say something Mrs. Kolan?"

"YES....Umm....can I see the baby ? Just for once?"

"Yes of course Mrs. Kolan, you both can watch her from the outside of the incubator. After twenty-four hours of observation we'll also shift the baby to you and in between a nurse will come to collect your breast milk as she is in incubator now and can't able to suck it by herself."

"OK doctor, Thank you very very much."

Then doctor gave them a bright smile and headed towards the other patient. After doctor left Deeti tried to get up from the bed with the help of her husband but can't able to move due to the pain. So, Felix interdict her and said, "Honey, you take rest. I'm going to see our daughter. I'm two hundred percent sure that she will be a small replica of you."

After assuring Deeti, Felix left to see the gemstone of their life, their daughter. Here, Deeti is sitting all alone imagining her daughter that how she'll be look alike? How will she hold her, cherish her, cuddle her?

 Here, Deeti is sitting all alone imagining her daughter that how she'll be look alike? How will she hold her, cherish her, cuddle her?

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After some time Felix came to Deeti with a bright smile and hug her with excitement. Deeti chuckle for her husband's sudden hug and asked him, "Hey! why're you smiling like a blockhead?"

"Oh honey.....I told you.....She is so beautiful, so pure, so innocent just like you."


"Yes........ She is. My little Princess, I can't wait to hold her in my arms."

"Yeah! Me too.."   

Next part will be upload on 28/03/2024.

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