Chapter 18

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"He only knew about peaceful nights when she was on his mind." -Author.

*Aurora's POV*

Bang! Bang! Bang!

God, all I could hear was a faint banging sound, throughout the night, and it was driving me insane.

Maybe, it was my brain trying to escape and continuously failing.

"You're late for school!" A sudden voice shouts in my ear and an immediate ringing sound occurs.

Jesus... Why can't I ever wake up in silence?

And, school? That's the last damn thing on my mind.

I hear a loud sigh, before feeling pressure on the bottom of my bed. "Aurora." The same voice groans and I think back to Atticus saying my name.

"Shh Aurora." His voice whispers again, accompanied by a nose nuzzling into my cheek, and I take a deep breath.

When he says it, it's actually quite nice. But, at the moment, I despise it... The same name as a Roman Goddess, huh?

I decide to remove the covers from my face and I look at Izaac, staring back at me with a frown.

"No!" I snap, pushing him away from me and I see him hesitating a little.

I pushed him away at the party... I guess I was a little angry at him for mentioning about it in the first place and mainly, for leaving me alone, like Atticus said.

But, I also chose to go because I thought I deserved it... How wrong was I?

"Let me just say this straight away. I'm really sorry about the party. Like, I should've been there for you Rory and this shouldn't have been your first experience." Izaac says, causing me to bite my lip, and I slowly nod.

It shouldn't be anyone's experience, no matter how many times.

"It's fine. You were trying to help." I say, nudging his hip with my foot. "And I-I can't really remember much, anyway." I add.

Okay... That was a lie because I remembered everything. Every. Single. Part. Of. It.

But. I'm used to pushing the memories away.

Izaac nods before pulling his legs up on the bed and crosses them until he's facing me.

"No, Rory. I shouldn't have left you. There's no excuse for me. But I'm incredibly glad that Atticus saved you from that prick. He deserved to be punched again." Izaac sighs, ending with a little growl, and he rests his head on my shoulder.

Of course, he had to bring up Atticus as well. All that boy has done is make a prison in my head.

You know what; I think he's a witch. He puts spells on people so whenever they look into his eyes; they feel inevitable butterflies, goosebumps and tingling.

I tilt my head in confusion at his words. "Wait, what do you mean, punched again?" I ask, mimicking his actions by crossing my legs as well and facing him.

His mouth widens for a second, as if thinking about what to say.

"Basically Jacob, the one who tried to rape you, and his friends got into a fight with Atticus on your first day of school. Atticus absolutely thrashed them and I don't really know why it happened but it caused him to snap hard." Izaac finally says, hesitating a little when he said the word rape and I slowly nod, trying not to pay attention to it as well.

"He sent a kid to the hospital again." Mr Adams suddenly speaks, causing me to jump up and I turn to the door to recognise it's slightly open.

That guy from the party is the guy that Atticus sent to the hospital? I'm surprised that he didn't have any broken bones... I guess Izaac was right about Atticus knowing when to stop himself during a fight.

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