Life at Court

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Milyza and Nutsy tried to avoid trouble by staying out of sight during the first few weeks. They spent their days in the jester's quarters, and Ronald visited them every day. He taught Milyza how to read and write, and they became good friends. Ronald gave her several books to practice reading on her own, and also updated her about the happenings at the king's court. They studied the jester's records together to learn more about what the goblins were up to. The records showed many complaints about damages caused by the goblins, and the problem seemed to be even larger than they expected.

 The records showed many complaints about damages caused by the goblins, and the problem seemed to be even larger than they expected

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The goblins were exploiting the environment without concerning themselves with the consequences. Reports indicated that they were responsible for the destruction of entire forests, deadly landslides, disastrous floods, the extinction of wild animals, and the emergence of new unknown illnesses. There were even rumors that all of these changes could disrupt the natural balance of the environment. But despite numerous complaints being filed, the whistleblowers found themselves stuck in formal processes that seemed to drag on forever. While the men in power held onto their power, being distracted by shiny goods supplied by the goblins.

Feeling helpless, Milyza decided to let go of her official complaint and instead started to focus on other ways of helping her family. She and Nutsy made themselves useful to the jester by running small errands for him, and in return, the jester paid them well for their services. Milyza saved most of the money she earned and used it to send packages with food and other useful things back home to her family. However, Nutsy spent all his money on gambling and lost most of it. Perhaps, it was his way of dealing with the constant danger he faced. Whenever the jester sent Milyza and Nutsy on their little missions, Milyza had to look out for Nutsy's safety and protect him from getting hurt.

Due to his small size and the busy nature of the castle, there was a high risk that Nutsy could be accidentally trampled on by the many people moving around. Moreover, the guards and the king's hand held a strong dislike for Nutsy and would even attempt to harm him on purpose. One day, Milyza was sitting on a barrel by the side of the main square. The jester had asked her to keep an eye on an influential merchant who was conducting business there. Nutsy was also there, sitting next to her in the shade because it was very hot. Unfortunately, the king's hand passed by and saw them. He kicked Nutsy off the barrel with his big hand and then proceeded to pull down some snot from his large, hooked nose. The king's hand spat a big glob of yellow gibberish at Nutsy, who was so tiny that he got trapped inside it. It was so disgusting! Nutsy couldn't breathe and was close to death when Milyza finally managed to rescue him. The king's hand laughed loudly and left them lying in the dirt.

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