Leaving Home

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Milyza's father was recovering slowly, but he still was not fully conscious. Winter was looming and with no end to the tragedy in sight, Milyza, as the oldest child, bravely decided to seek help and justice at the castle. She had never left home before and was very nervous about the journey that lied ahead of her, but she didn't see any alternative. She said goodbye to her family with tears in her eyes and walked down the mountain towards the dark forest that she needed to cross to reach the castle. Milyza had tears in her blue eyes and wore her purple hair styled in two big buns on the sides of her head. And her pointy blue ears pointed a little downward, reflecting her sad mood. She was wearing a sweater made of sheep wool, cow leather trousers, and matching boots, as she was walking on a narrow dirt road that lead down the blue mountain, which throned majestically in the background. With its tall peak brushing against the clear skies of the morning and a few small clouds circling its top. The dirt road passed between brown infertile meadows that were scorched by the sun, that casted its golden glow upon the world. The dark forest separated Milyza's village from the castle and most people didn't dare enter because it was said to be cursed. She was reluctant as well and walked slower than her normal walking pace because she still didn't know how to tackle this challenge.

As Milyza was thinking about her little sister and how much she already missed her, she suddenly heard a high-pitched voice that seemed to come from somewhere close to the ground

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As Milyza was thinking about her little sister and how much she already missed her, she suddenly heard a high-pitched voice that seemed to come from somewhere close to the ground. She kneeled down on the ground of the dirt road and there she saw a very small squirrel that stood on top of a tall bunch of grass leaves by the side of the dirt road. The squirrel, as brown as the tree bark and as lively as the bubbling brook, gazed upon her. It was a creature of the woods, its eyes alight with the spark of untamed life. The world seemed to stand still in perfect peace. Amazingly, the tiny squirrel started to talk to her. She was very happily surprised because she always had wanted to talk with animals and never had achieved it before. So she asked: "Who are you?" And the tiny squirrel responded: "I'm Nutsy. Can you help me get to the blue mountain?" Around them, bluebells nodded their heads in the gentle breeze.

Milyza came from the blue mountain and was headed towards the castle, which was in the opposite direction. So she told him: "I would like to bring you there, but I'm headed in the other direction and it may take a long time before I return to the blue mountain." Nutsy was afraid of traveling alone, especially outside the forest, where large birds could easily spot him. So he said: "I've been waiting a long time for somebody to notice me and I'm very happy that you are willing to take me along, so I'm fine with the detour. You have very nice hair, and it looks like a perfect hiding place for me." With that said, Nutsy jumped on Milyza's right shoulder and slipped within the big purple bun on this side of her head. Milyza was happy about her tiny traveling companion, and they continued their journey together. Finally, Milyza walked with long strides towards the dark forest, as if all fear had vanished from her.

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