In front of the King

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The royal ballroom was magnificent, decorated with festive flair, and illuminated by countless candles and torches. It was the heart of the castle, shimmering brilliantly with stone walls adorned with rich tapestries depicting the valor of knights and the grace of queens. The floor, made of polished stone, reflected the light of numerous candles that hung from a chandelier as vast as the night sky, twinkling like distant stars. The grand windows, arched and tall, were filled with stained glass of vibrant hues. On one end of the ballroom, an elevated stage was present, and on the other end, there was a large music orchestra. Large tables were lined up on the sides of the ballroom, and a big dance floor was present in the middle.

When Milyza was brought in, the guests were seated around the tables, and the guards brought her onto the empty dance floor right in front of the elevated stage, where the king was seated above all on his golden throne. A little lower on his sides, two men were seated. Milyza recognized the one on his right as the king's hand, who had ordered to throw her in prison earlier that day. She didn't recognize the one on the other side and was sure that she would have recognized him if she had met him before, as he wore a very colorful robe and a very peculiar hat.

Milyza was so overwhelmed by all the splendor that she felt taken aback by harsh reality when the King asked her in his firm voice, "Who are you, and what are you doing here?" Milyza opened her mouth, and she was about to answer, but she was immed...

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Milyza was so overwhelmed by all the splendor that she felt taken aback by harsh reality when the King asked her in his firm voice, "Who are you, and what are you doing here?" Milyza opened her mouth, and she was about to answer, but she was immediately interrupted by the king's hand, "That's the young agitator who was gathering a crowd on the main square this afternoon, seeding discontent, spreading lies, and disrupting public order. I immediately had her sent to prison to reconsider her ill-doing."

The king looked at him approvingly, and then one of the guards who brought Milyza in added, "We found her walking alone on the main square, obviously trying to get to the main gate to escape." The king raised his voice angrily, "What? How come a young misfit like this can evade my heavily guarded prison and get as far as the main square? This is an outrage! This is a scandal!" The king's hand lowered his head and seemed seriously ashamed, staring at the floor.

The guests held their breath, avoiding the king's angry gaze, worried that they might be blamed and declared responsible for whatever had happened. Milyza felt that it couldn't get any worse, so she decided to take the initiative and try her best to turn things around, "Dear honorable king, I am willing to tell you the truth about how I escaped your well-guarded prison. But only if you promise to hear me out and listen to my whole story about why I left my home and came to your castle looking for help."

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