chapter thirty

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The highly-anticipated Rerun Festival, set to take place in late August, has just unveiled its surprise headliner, and it's none other than the Grammy award-winning singer, Hollie

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The highly-anticipated Rerun Festival, set to take place in late August, has just unveiled its surprise headliner, and it's none other than the Grammy award-winning singer, Hollie. This exciting announcement comes just three days after the release of her third album, Emerald, along with the announcement of her upcoming North American tour. Fans can expect a dazzling showcase of her latest hits and timeless classics, making her performance a must-see for music enthusiasts everywhere. Stay tuned for more updates as the countdown to the Rerun Festival continues!
Click here for more info.

"It's been so long since we last saw you. We miss you so much," My mom told me as I spoke to her on the phone. It had been a while since we caught up.

"Mom, you know I've been really busy with work. I'm so sorry," I said, "I'll see you when I come to pick Micah up. He said he wants to spend his summer vacation in LA."

"The rest of the summer?"

"Mhm, I don't mind it. I mean sure I might not be home for a majority of the time, but he's grown enough and there's a lot he can do when he's here."

"Hm... okay," she said, "I was actually hoping he'd spend all of it with us, but I guess he's tired of me and your father."

I chuckled, "he might be. But I think it's a good thing he's spending it with me. You and Dad deserve to go on a nice vacation overseas somewhere like the Maldives or Zanzibar. All expenses paid by your lovely daughter, of course."

"You sure do love spoiling us."

"Anything for the best parents in the world," I smiled.

"You're too kind, Holliane. God bless you, sweetheart."

"Thank you," I smiled. I was in the middle of making myself some Alfredo pasta and our phone call had been keeping me company.

"Oh by the way, I read your cover story with $killz for Admire Magazine," she lowly chuckled, "when did you get so good at lying?"

"I'm also surprised," I said honestly, thinking back on how effortlessly I went on in our interview. "You know what's crazy though, Patricia's theory was correct. Because Raymond and I have been spending so much time even staying together three days a week, it's given us enough time to bond as actors would for a role."

"Ah, That makes sense. At least I don't hear you complaining about it as much as you used to."

I shrugged, "I guess at some point I was just going to have to get used to it."

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