chapter five

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Quincy and Day bolted upstairs.

I found myself following them out of curiosity and concern. Whatever was happening must've been urgent.

Everyone was aware that something was happening, but they weren't as alarmed about it because they remained by the pool. I expected them to all follow and have the same sense of urgency, but they didn't.

When I got upstairs I heard a lot of commotion coming from one of the rooms. I knew the issue was serious when I heard the mention of someone having to make a 911 call.

What did they need emergency services for?

I walked towards the room and when I got to the doorframe, I got a glimpse of one of the women from earlier, Jordie.

Her body was motionless on the floor, while $killz, who was in his boxers, was attempting to resuscitate her.
He was kneeling beside her while doing his level best to keep his composure.

"What happened!?" Quincy exclaimed, looking around the room.

"She was having a seizure," Milan said, securing the bed sheet she had wrapped around herself. His voice cracked with every word.

I entered the room. Jordie's lips were already turning purple

"Hi, there is a woman who just had some sort of seizure and I don't think she's breathing at all," Day spoke, already alerting emergency services while he stood in one corner of the room.

Q was frustrated, maybe even angered. "Were y'all doing any drugs?" He asked, looking around the room.

"No," $killz responded, never seizing his actions.

As for Milan, she was trembling. Her eyes watered as Q looked at her, waiting for her response.

"I asked did you and your friend take any drugs?" He questioned again, but with a firm tone.

She cried out, "I... I... I... don't know... she went to the bathroom some time ago..."

The mascara ran down her face and stained her cheeks with black streaks.

Quincy kissed his teeth and made his way into the en-suite bathroom of the room. The lack of movement after all of $killz's attempts to resuscitate her is what led to him giving up and standing up from the floor. He clenched his teeth and rubbed his hand over his face.

"Fuck," he muttered. He looked defeated.

"The address is..." Day said, proceeding to give the address over the phone.

I remained silent and watched. Shock was the only way to describe what felt.  It was my first time witnessing something like this before my eyes.

Eventually, the paramedics arrived with police officers. My driver had also arrived, I couldn't leave because no one was allowed to.

The red and blue lights flashed on the glass as the sirens rang throughout the street.

The police officers took her belongings and began looking through them. They asked us for details regarding what happened and proceeded to direct their attention to $killz and Milan when they found out they were the ones in the room with her.

Jordie's body had already been wheeled out in a body bag and by this time, I was seated on the couch right next to Day. My anxiety had kicked in and with shaky limbs, I tried to calm myself down. The rest of Q's friends, as well as the other women, were also inside.

"Are you okay? Do you need something?" Day asked me.

Yes, I did, but what it was at home. I didn't respond to him. My voice got caught in my throat.

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