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(Entertainment purposes only)

Johnnie was drained. Emotionally, of course. His fathers death was a big impact on his life. He felt so uselss and stupid just laying in bed unable to lift himself up just for a glass of water or for a simple ibuprofen. It was painstakingly dreadful. It felt like all he could do on the weekends was go through facebook or listen to music at full blast through his old busted wired earphones. Eventually, a message came up on his notification bar, it read
"hey, are you johnnie? Its jake :)"
of course, johnnie just had to reply. Though he wasn't fond of jake just yet, there was something different about him. He just felt comfortable to be around.
"Ya its johnnie. You need anything?"
He pressed send, immediately regretting it. He was so embarrassed he could barely think. The only thing running through his mind was how atupid he was and how his communication skills were ass.
"Wanna come over? I started on the paper mache planet thing"
"Um, sure, let me ask my mom"
Johnnie got out of bed, walking to the bathroom and looking himself in the eye.
He was so ugly. His teeth were yellow and gross and weird. His face felt disgusting with the acne scattered across his face. His hair was nappy and all stupid looking.
He felt his body was uncontrollable.
He felt like there was nothing to help him.
He just wanted it to all be over. Yet of course, theres family he must string pride through (by staying alive And healthy)
He brushed his hair and washed his face with some water, followed by brushing his teeth.
"Hey mom?" He yelled from the top of the stairs.
"Yeah?" A femine voice yelled from the kitchen.
"Can i go over to my friends? It's for a project in science." Johnnie spoke as he walked down the stairs.
"I dont know. How far away do they live?"
"Let me ask." Johnnie watched as his mother carelessly went back to cooking.

-texts 😘😘
Jake W.



johnnie come backkk

Im back calm down



she wants 2 kno where u live

Weird but okay:)

Damn ur like 2 houses away 🙏



Hell Yeah!

Cool I'll ask my mom rn if i can go

Johnnie shut off his phone, and told his mother Jake's address, in which she replied with
"Oh yeah sure. Im friends with that guys mom actually. Jake, right?"
"Yeah. Im gonna get going now. By mom"
"Bye Johnnie!"
With that, Johnnie walked outside, closing the door behind him.

pretty little tears. //jahnnieWhere stories live. Discover now