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(I DO NOT ship johnnie and jake. This is purely Entertainment purposes ONLY.)

"Yeah, this project in Mr. Patels class is so ASS. why cant I pick my own damned pair. Lemme at LEAST be teamed up with someone cool!" Jake retorted towards Colby, walking sluggishly to his science class.

Though he only knew a few people, (being Brennen, Corey, Tara and Sam) he knew he'd probably get paired with one of them.

Mr. Patel liked Jake, Jake liked Mr. Patel.

It was easy for Jake to just ask to be paired with another person if it wasn't anyone he knew well.

He walked into the class, getting the casual "good morning" before he went to go sit down.

Mr. Patel did role call, and ambled his way to the podium in front of his whiteboard.

"So, class, today we're going to be pairing up with others for our science project. It is fairly easy! All you do is write a small essay on a planet that isnt in our dolar system and make a PHYSICAL model of it. Yes, i said any planet, you have until the fifteenthth of march to finish, and as of today it isss- the Eighth of february! Lets start with pairs."

Mr. Patel began listing pairs, tara being with brennen, sam being with corey and a few other people getting their pairs.

Jake wasn't paying much attention till his name came up- "Jake Webber andd, oh! We have a new student today, his name is Johnnie guilbert. Jake, you aren't allowed to switch anything up this time.
We want him to feel welcomed"
Jake was pissed, but by the looks of it Johnnie was a sweet, good-looking but (very) shy guy.

By the end of class, Johnnie had ended up moving closer to jake so they could plan what planet their project be on. They ended up picking TOI 1338b.

Johnnie began writing, while jake was studying on his macbook and informing johnnie on different facts every once in a while. The bell rang, and Jake started packing up, as did Johnnie.

"Hey, Johnnie, give me your number and I'll text you my adress. Come over so we can work on it over the weekend" Jake said, elbowing the shorter boy next to him.

"oh, um, okay. I dont know if my mom will let me though." Johnnie wrote his number down on a note card, handing it to Jake.

"See you tomorrow, dude!"

pretty little tears. //jahnnieHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin