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"Why do you like them so much?" Wingzo's curiosity compelled her to ask Headzo.

"They are like me, I mean, our lives took very different paths, but in their essence they're smart, like me. " Headzo uttered with glee.

"You love them don't you?" Wingzo pressed on.

Headzo turned, facing the wall, beginning to tinker with a few pieces of a circuit.

"Depends on your definition of love." Headzo attempted to dodge the question, feeling uncomfortable with the topic.

"You know the kind I mean." Wingzo gestured towards Wing's room.

"Ew, no. Why are you always so obsessed with me loving people?" Headzo felt very uncomfortable.

"oh come on, I see how you hold their hand, you love them." Wingzo was getting excited.

"First of all, I hold their wrist, not hand. Second, I love them platonically. It was bad enough when we were children, you and Finzo would keep trying to set me up with others." Headzo was visibly upset.

"Then why are you so focused on them?" She continued to query.

"Look. They need help, just as much as I do, and we can help them. That's why I'm so focused on them." He explained.

Sat in their room Wing could hear the conversation.

Having grown tired of listening, they closed their door, clearly irritated.

They sat at their desk and began to write, in their notebook, as they always did before.

Their breathing was slow, calm, their emotions were scattered and needed connecting and sorting.

Then, they were finished and the paper read:

World of pain,
Life of sorrow,
A universe filled with hate,
Dread and rain,
But is that all?

My brain sees patterns,
My mind doesn't follow,
Yet with him,
The child turned machine,
Possible foe turned great friend.

Never cared,
Never loved,
Nor as he,
Except he can,
Always has.

Love comes in different forms,
He can feel it,
Can I?
One does question.

I know I care for him,
The man who loves,
But is it that?
Or is it just care?
On a whim.

His friends are filled with anger,
They both don't like me,
But that is fair,
Hate to the one,
Who never seemed to care.

They turned around and watched the door, with focused feelings and a smile placed securely across their face.

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