Self Exploration

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Headzo's self

The moment Headzo woke up he felt alone, left out.

This was a day he had always dreaded, Valentine's day.

As soon he got to school, it was everywhere and he had hoped he'd get through the day without needing to bother with it, but the world had better ideas.

Sat in class doing mathematics he gets passed a piece of paper saying to meet the writer in the back of school, during lunch.

It was signed simply with an X or a kiss, maybe, he didn't know, nor did it matter.

Of course he was going to meet them, he felt obligated to.

Once the class had finished, he went out for lunch and wandered to the back of the school where his admirer was waiting.

"There you are" she said, excited "I was a little worried you weren't going to turn up"

"Well here I am" Headzo spoke clearly, uncomfortable and a little confused "what is this regarding?"

The girl gave a little giggle.

"I love how you speak, so intelligent, yet so lost" she began to get to the point after Headzo gestured to speed up

"Well I like you a lot Headzo and, considering what day it is, I thought, I should tell you, so that maybe we could be something more"

"Depends what 'more' is referring to" Headzo stated with hopes that it would mean just friends.

"I mean, like a relationship, with like hand holding a kissing and all that" she explained still quite excited.

"Well... no... I just dont like you or..or others in that way" Headzo explained, uncomfortable "I'm sorry."

"Ohhh I see" her face filled with realisation "you're gay."

"No" Headzo responded quickly "I'm not anything.. I mean I don't feel anything like that for anyone, in fact, the very notion makes me uncomfortable"

"yeah right!" The girl left, clearly a little annoyed but quite sure of herself.

Walking home headzo couldn't help but wonder why it was so hard for people to understand that he does not feel that kind of attraction.

Carlos' Improvements

Carlos desired to get better.

To fight stronger, quicker, nicer.

They talked around, looking for somewhere to train through experience.

Eventually, they found a place.

They found a club devoted to illegal combat, where anything goes.

They continued to fight there, at first they took punches often but over time they learned to predict their opponents moves.

They spotted patterns, like each opponent would often fight with similar moves to the opponent before them.

Eventually they couldn't even lay a finger them; they were too good.

They quickly rose up the ranks, eventually fighting the champion, a fighter supposedly unbeatable and their fight would be to the death!

Carlos sat in the prepare-room, knowing what was to come.

It was here they pulled out a knife placing it gently against their phony skin.

With a strong sharp slice they slit what would have been their wrists and for a moment they expected to bleed, letting their situation slip their mind.

No blood poured out, though, but they went again taking another slice and then again and again and again.

"Fighters to cage" the inter-com spoke with urgency.

Rolling back down their sleeves they sped, with haste, to meet the champion.

Stood in front of a rather large muscular male, who's height dominated Carlos, they spoke.

"With how they spoke of you, I was expecting.. bigger "Carlos' words clearly agitated the champion "let's make this quick."

"Bring out the weapons" the inter-com spoke.

Carlos held out their hand before catching a strong, sturdy knife; clearly Carlos was ready.

"You may begin" the inter-com uttered.

The champion struck first, eyes fueled with anger and hate and desire for blood.

Fueled by instinct Carlos swiped the champions blade to the side as it sliced towards them, Carlos then altered their stance and punched the champion straight to the face, as they came crashing forward.

The champion seemed shocked; clearly the champion hadn't been hit in a long time.

"Shall we finish this?" Carlos uttered.

With a smirk placed perfectly on their face, they swiped the champion's feet and watched as the champion hit the ground with a thud.

Stood dominant above, Carlos plunged their knife into the brain and watched as the brain matter sludged out the wound.

"Looks like we have a new champion" the intercom screeched causing a roar of excitement from the crowd.

This new admiration felt fantastic.

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