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(As the sun sets on another day, Zee, Nunew, and their child, Peat, gather around a crackling fire outside their home.)

Zee: "Tonight feels special, doesn't it?"

Nunew: "It does. It's moments like these that remind us of what's truly important."

Peat: "What's important, Papa?"

Nunew: "Love, my dear Peat. Love is what makes life meaningful."

Zee: "And it's what binds us together as a family."

Peat: "I love our family."

(Zee and Nunew exchange a tender smile.)

Nunew: "And we love you, more than anything in this world."

(Zee reaches out to ruffle Peat's hair.)

Zee: "Our love is our legacy, passed down through the generations."

Nunew: "And it's a legacy that will endure long after we're gone."

Peat: "I'll always remember our love."

(Zee and Nunew share a knowing glance, their hearts overflowing with pride.)

Zee: "As will we, my dear Peat. As will we."

(They sit together in the warmth of the fire, their bond as a family stronger than ever, their love a beacon of light that illuminates the darkness and guides them through the journey of life.)

whispers of the ghost wifeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ