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As the day wore on, and the sun began its descent towards the horizon, a sense of peace settled over Zee and Nunew's home. The events of the previous night felt like a distant memory as they went about their daily routines, their hearts lightened by the warmth of the day.

But as evening approached, a knock at the door shattered the tranquility, sending a ripple of unease through the air. Zee exchanged a puzzled glance with Nunew before making his way to answer the door.

Standing on the threshold was a figure cloaked in shadows, their features obscured by the fading light of day. Zee's pulse quickened as he regarded the stranger with caution, his instincts on high alert.

"Can I help you?" Zee asked, his voice steady but tinged with suspicion.

The figure remained silent for a moment, their gaze fixed on Zee with an intensity that sent a chill down his spine. Then, in a voice as soft as a whisper, they spoke.

"I come seeking sanctuary," the stranger said, their words echoing in the stillness of the evening.

Nunew appeared beside Zee, his brow furrowed with concern. "Who are you?" he asked, his voice laced with uncertainty.

The stranger hesitated for a moment before lowering their hood, revealing a face worn with age and wisdom. "I am a traveler," they replied cryptically, their eyes glittering with a hidden knowledge. "And I bring news of a darkness that threatens us all."

Zee and Nunew exchanged a wary glance, their minds racing with questions and doubts. But as they regarded the stranger before them, a sense of curiosity tugged at their hearts, urging them to listen to what they had to say.

With a silent nod, Zee gestured for the stranger to enter, their presence casting a shadow of mystery over the threshold of their home. And as they stepped inside, the evening air thick with anticipation, Zee, Nunew, and their baby braced themselves for the revelations that lay ahead.

whispers of the ghost wifeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें