Loving You Is A Losing Game - Part 2 (collab with killiancaptainhook)

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--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Word count: 9385 words. Yeah. It's that long, so you guys might want to get reeeallll comfortable. 

Also, sorry in advance :( Trigger warning: suicide and major character death. Don't say I didn't warn you. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Zoey Campbell couldn't believe what she was seeing. Her family had decided to throw a party at The Tremont hotel just for the heck of it, and she had just excused herself to go use the restroom and freshen up, and when she came back out, she saw Topher being rolled out of The Tremont's lobby on a stretcher and police officers racing up the stairs. And during this whole ordeal, she kept hearing people whisper about how he had been pushed through the banister by a psychotic young man and she saw Harper in hysterics. However, just as she was about to push her way through the crowd that had gathered around the front desk to try and offer comfort to Harper, she saw something that broke her heart.

Griffin was being led down the stairs by police officers, and he was handcuffed. One police officer stepped forward and told the crowd to stand back while they escorted Griffin off the premises.

Zoey couldn't believe this. What the hell was going on? 

"Hey, Wyatt, what's going on here?" she asked her red-headed twin brother when she finally spotted him standing behind the front desk, inspecting the large dent that had been made in it by Topher's body.

"Apparently, Griffin pushed Topher right through the banister. I don't know why he did it, or what he was thinking, but it doesn't look good," he said, with a hint of sadness in his voice. "I actually heard his neck snap when his body made contact with the desk. I'm so sorry, Zoey."

"W-What?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

"It's true. I wish I could say that I was joking, but I'm not. Now, I imagine that we'll probably be heading over to the police station to talk with Griffin soon, but first I think we should-----"

However, just then, Sarah let out a loud, ear-piercing scream and began to sob and yell uncontrollably, which began to frighten the guests even further.

"Oh, no," Wyatt said worriedly as he watched Sarah pull some of the curtains off the rack and rip them up into shreds. "I honestly thought Mom was getting better. Come on, Zoey, we need to get these people outta here before someone gets hurt."

But Zoey wasn't listening. She was in shock. Topher had been pushed through the banister by Griffin, who was now being taken away by the police, and her mom was having her worst meltdown yet to date. Her thoughts were racing in a million different directions, and she was having trouble focusing on everything. With tears pricking at her eyes, she took off for the stairs and raced into her bedroom.

This was officially the worst day of her life.

"What the actual hell was Griffin thinking when he pushed Topher? " she thought to herself as her sobs worsened. "He knew just how much I cared for him, and how I was planning on mustering up the courage to tell him how I really felt about him during the party today."

She really couldn't believe just how fast everything had gone to shit, and she couldn't help but feel like things were only going to get much worse from here. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Almost three hours later, her, Wyatt, Harper, Jess, and Ben were now at the police station and waiting to talk to Griffin. An officer had told them that he had been placed into a cell, and that he was asking to talk to Harper.

Timeless Love: Harfin, Zopher, Wyvannah (A SOSS one-shot book)Where stories live. Discover now