Risky Business

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-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I know that the title of this one-shot isn't the best, but I've been in a bit of slump lately because of life just hitting me all at once. Sue me.

Anyways, this is another smut-shot, so get your popcorn and Holy Water ready, folks.

Word count: 6917 words. I feel like Gordon Ramsay after cooking a twelve-course meal.

Enjoy!!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17-year-old Griffin Campbell walked down the halls of Sulphur Springs High School to the office of the principal, Mrs. Hebbon, nervously. He didn't know why he had been called down to see her, and for the past minute-and-a-half since he heard the announcement on the school's loudspeakers, he'd been trying to think of a reason. All of his grades had been a steady mix of As and Bs, he hadn't skipped a single day of basketball or football practice, and he was on track to being voted the school's Homecoming King, so this was a mystery to him.

Finally, he reached the door, and after he ran a hand through his hair to calm his nerves, he opened the door and walked into the office and sat down in the chair across from the large wooden desk that Mrs. Hebbon was sitting behind. 

"Greetings, Mrs. Hebbon. You said that you wanted to see me?" he asked nervously.

The older blonde woman smiled kindly from the other side of her desk as she put some papers in a drawer. "Yes, Griffin. And don't worry, you're not being punished. I actually called you in here because we have a new student starting with us today, and I wanted you to show her around."

Griffin sighed in relief. "Thank goodness. And I'd be happy to."

"That's good to hear," Mrs. Hebbon said as she leaned over and pressed a button on the intercom on her desk. "Mr. Bartlett, can you send our new student in here, please?"

After a few seconds of waiting, a young girl who looked to be about Griffin's age walked into the room. She had flowing black hair, and a bit darker skin. Her eyes were a dark hazel color, and she was wearing a light gray zip-up hoodie over a violet colored blouse and had on black denim jeans. "Hi, I'm Mallory. It's nice to meet you," she said in a friendly voice as she stuck her hand out for Griffin to shake.

"It's nice to meet you, too, Mallory. I'm Griffin."

"Griffin, Mallory and her family recently moved here all the way from Flagstaff, Arizona, and seeing as how you're so kind and welcoming to all the students here, I thought you could give her a quick tour of the school before the day is over and you have to go to football practice," Mrs. Hebbon explained quickly as she sipped on her coffee and wrote something down on a bright pink Post-It note.

Griffin nodded. "That won't be a problem, Ma'am. Come on, Mallory. We can start the grand tour at the lunchroom."

And with that, the two teens walked out of the office and Griffin began to show Mallory around the school. As the tour continued, they kept up a friendly conversation, although as they passed students in the hallway on the way to their next destination, Griffin kept getting weird looks from the students, and he didn't really know why. Finally, after ending their tour at the school's auditorium, they walked back out to the hallway to find Mallory's locker.

However, when they came to a stop in front of Griffin's locker so he could grab his black Stanley water bottle that had been a birthday present from Harper, something fell out of the locker and landed on the floor, but Mallory had picked up it first and peered at the object with a puzzled look on her face.

Timeless Love: Harfin, Zopher, Wyvannah (A SOSS one-shot book)Where stories live. Discover now