That's What I Love About Sunday

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Since today, February 25th, 2023, marks the one-year anniversary of SOSS s2 ending with the cliffhanger of the crystal breaking, leaving Griffin and Sam stranded in 2024 and Savannah stranded in 2020, I figured I would help remedy and ease the pain by writing a purely cute, fluffy Harfin future family AU. Hope you enjoy!!! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Griffin Campbell-Dunn was a very content person. He was married to the most awesome girl on the face of Planet Earth, he had the two most amazing children any father could ask for and a third one on the way, and his music career was doing great. But the fame and fortune that came with being a world-famous rockstar was nothing compared to the wonderful family he was blessed with. And he wouldn't have it any other way. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

One Sunday morning, Griffin woke up with a smile as he rolled over and faced his still sleeping wife, Harper Campbell-Dunn, who had her hair spread out over the pillows as she slept. Griffin sighed happily as he pulled his wife in for a hug, albeit a kind of awkward one as it was kinda hard to hug your sleeping wife when she was almost five months pregnant and had trouble getting comfortable during the night. Harper squirmed and groaned at the sensation, opening her eyes slightly to see her messy haired hubby in front of her. "Good morning." said Griffin, goofily. "You too, mop-top." said Harper, mimicking her husband's goofy grin as she leaned in to kiss him, sharing several small intimate ones, as Griffin hovered over her, attempting to deepen them before he felt a small kick to the stomach. "I think someone wants his Daddy." said Harper, chuckling as she watched Griffin double over in pain. "Yeah, I noticed." said Griffin as took a deep intake of breath to help level himself as he sat back up and their bedroom door crashed open and two children ran into their bedroom, climbed up on their bed and tackled Griffin back down, earning a big laugh from Harper. "Good morning, babies. Did you sleep well?" asked Harper lovingly as she pulled her 14-year-old son, Preston Oliver Campbell-Dunn and 9-year-old daughter Bailey Morgan Campbell-Dunn, in for a big hug, causing Griffin to gasp loudly as he sat up and attempted to slow down his breathing. "Yeah, Mommy! Did you, Daddy and baby brother sleep well?" asked Bailey as she leaned into Griffin for a hug and pointed at Harper's pregnant belly. Before she could answer, Preston felt a small kick at his side. "I'll take that as a yes." said Preston as he was brought in for a hug by Harper, who ruffled her son's hair. Griffin smiled fondly at the scene before him:His family all together. He loved it more than anything in the whole world and his kids only made him love his life even more. He loved watching Harper be a mom. It was one of the best things he ever saw in his life. However, a few minutes later, someone's stomach rumbled and Griffin took that as his cue to get up for the day. "I'm gonna go start breakfast." said Griffin as he placed a kiss on each of his children's foreheads and Harper's lips before getting outta bed and going downstairs to the kitchen. Harper just smiled. Griffin was ecstatic as could be when he found out Harper was pregnant and all that ecstasy and excitement just poured over into the love he had for his children. Griffin being a father was one of the best things she loved seeing everyday. She couldn't have picked a better man to spend the rest of her life with. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A few minutes later, Harper, Preston and Bailey walked down the stairs and into The Tremont's kitchen, where Griffin was finishing up putting scrambled eggs and toast on some plates and setting them on the table. After seeing that Preston and Bailey were seated, Harper walked over and placed a few intimate kisses to Griffin's clothed shoulder blade. "Harper, as much I'd love to do this right now, I kinda gotta focus and make sure I don't burn this last little bit of eggs." said Griffin seriously. "Besides, our children are watching and it's Sunday, remember?" (Oh, yeah. Before I forget, Sunday's at The Tremont were always relaxing, family days. What with Griffin being one of the biggest names in rock history, along with being the music teacher at Sulphur Springs High School, and Harper being the art teacher at the elementary school as well as a stay-at-home mom while Griffin was on tour, their lives were quite busy and chaotic. But no matter what, after Preston was born, they promised each other they would always make sure to set aside time with each other and their children on Sundays.) "Fine." pouted Harper. "But you're paying me back later." Griffin just chuckled. "It's a deal." --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The rest of the late morning and early afternoon was spent in the living room, playing on the floor and watching Disney movies on the TV on the couch. It was currently about 11:45am and Griffin and Harper were about halfway through Griffin's favorite Disney movie, High School Musical 3:Senior Year, Preston was sitting on the floor at the coffee table, doing a puzzle and Bailey was sitting in one of the armchairs, coloring in one of her coloring books. "I don't know if I ever tell you this enough, but I love this family. We have two of the best children ever, a third one on the way and we both have stable jobs. What more could a guy ask for?" asked Griffin contently as he pulled Harper closer to him and kissed her hair. "I don't know, but I need you to be a loving husband and satisfy my newest craving." said Harper hangrily, giving Griffin the patented death stare of a pregnant woman. "I'm only here to serve you, my Queen. What is it that you most hunger at this hour?!" asked Griffin dramatically in a terrible Shakespearean accent. "Just some pizza from the grocery store. Also, you may wanna get some for the kids." said Harper, looking at Preston, who had perked up from his 200-piece puzzle at the mention of pizza, which was his favorite food. "I think I can manage. You want anything else? Like maybe some chocolate, pickles? Help me out here." said Griffin as he stood up, put his jacket on and got his car keys. "I don't think so, no. Now, drive safely, you hear. You wouldn't want your biggest fan to worry about you and follow you wherever you go in a totally non-stalker-ish way." said Harper playfully. "Harper, you do that all the time. Both on social media and in person. It's called marriage." pointed out Griffin slyly. "Well, excuse me for drunkenly popping the question during the after-party for your first big concert, Mr. Big-Shot Rockstar." pouted Harper sarcastically. "Alright, enough of that. I'll be back soon. Love you." said Griffin seriously as he planted a kiss to Harper's lips before walking out the door, starting his car and driving off to the Sulphur Springs grocery store. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Later that evening, after a pizza dinner, the whole family taking a nap and then a quick trip to the park, the Campbell-Dunn's were currently sitting at the kitchen table, playing Monopoly at Preston's request. They played about five games and Harper won every single time, much to Griffin's shock and bewilderment, Preston's visible confusion and Bailey's annoyance. After that, they all collectively decided to go get ready for bed. While Griffin helped Preston make his bed and laid his pajamas out, Harper ran the tub for Bailey's nightly bath. After leaving Preston's bedroom so he could change into his pjs in peace, Griffin came into the bathroom and helped Harper strip Bailey down into her birthday suit and set her in the tub before he left the bathroom to give his girls some private time during Bailey's bath while he did a little bit of cleaning around the hotel. He then returned to the bathroom after he heard Harper turn off the tub and helped dry off Bailey and get her into her pajamas before carrying her off to her bedroom and reading her Jack and the Beanstalk for a bedtime story and then turning off her bedroom light and turning on her night-light and telling her and Preston goodnight. However, as soon as Griffin left his daughter and son's bedrooms and made his way into his and Harper's bedroom(formerly his parents bedroom), he was almost immediately tackled by his pregnant wife down onto his bed. I think you can figure out the rest, but let's just say that they weren't exactly quiet that night. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hope you guys enjoyed reading this cutesy one-shot almost as much I enjoyed writing it. In case you couldn't tell, I'm a major sucker for purely adorable fluff fics. And most importantly, I hope this one-shot was able to help you recover from all the chills we probably all got watching the SOSS s2 finale. Love you guys!! <3

(And in case you guys were wondering, yes, I deliberately named Griffin and Harper's son after Preston Oliver, the actor of Griffin, on purpose.) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

And in case you're wondering, here's what Preston and Bailey look like:

Preston Oliver Campbell-Dunn(Walker Scobell)

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Bailey Morgan Campbell-Dunn(Mykal-Michelle Harris)

Bailey Morgan Campbell-Dunn(Mykal-Michelle Harris)

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Timeless Love: Harfin, Zopher, Wyvannah (A SOSS one-shot book)Where stories live. Discover now