Crush Factor 2:The Crushening

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So, as you may know, this  and another one-shot were originally supposed to drop on Valentine's Day. But some family shit came up and I needed a few days off to help myself feel better. But I'm here now and on that note, I figured it's only fair that you guys get a new one-shot, just like how one day I hope I'll get a girlfriend. (Cupid, if you're reading this, you can't keep ignoring my calls forever!!!) Also, this story is a standalone sequel to my one-shot "Crush Factor" on my old account, which means you don't have to read that story in order for this one to make sense. However, there will be one small reference to that one-shot, but otherwise, you guys should be fine. Anyways, enjoy.

"This one is for all you lovers out there."

    -Marvin Berry, Back To The Future --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------When Griffin Campbell woke up one Saturday morning, the last thing he expected was to be giving relationship advice to someone. But that's exactly what happened when he walked into The Tremont hotel's kitchen to make himself some toast for breakfast and saw his girlfriend Harper's brother, Topher, sitting at the kitchen table, looking very sullen. "Topher, hey. I didn't know you were already up. You alright, dude?" asked Griffin, worried about his girlfriend's brother. "Huh? Oh yeah, man. I've been up since like 7. And, I'm fine." lied Topher. "Topher, c'mon, man. I can clearly tell you're lying. Come on, talk to me, man". said Griffin as the toaster dinged and he grabbed his toast, slathered it in butter, sugar and cinnamon before he and Topher  sat down at the kitchen table where Griffin Campbell, Social Therapist, PhD, got to work. "Alright man, spill it. Something's clearly bothering you and as your social therapist, it's my duty to get to the bottom of it." said Griffin seriously as he took a bite of toast. "Well, it's just that....there's this girl I've been seeing." began Topher slowly after a few moments of silence. "Really?" asked Griffin, curiously. As a "social therapist", he was skilled in solving almost any social problem. But the area he was most skilled in was relationship problems. "And well, we've kinda been on-again, off-again dating each other for about a little over three months now. But lately, I've been doing thinking and I've decided I wanted to be a little bit more serious and take things to the next level and be official. But, the problem is, I don't think she's ready for that yet. I mean, I'm not even sure if she's the one, you know?" asked Topher, a mix of sadness and mild confusion in his voice. "Yeah, I know. Want my advice? Next time you see this girl, talk to her and get both sides of the story out and then, just go from there. I mean, Harper and I had something similar happen to us the day we finally got together. You know, the day we came to help you guys pack up and move into The Tremont and you and the twins walked in on Harper and I having a little make-out session." said Griffin, smiling fondly at the memory. However, Topher was a little less than amused with that particular memory being brought back up but nodded at Griffin's advice. "Ugh. Don't remind me. But I'll make sure to do exactly that next time I see her, just hopefully minus the make-out session if things go well." said Topher thoughtfully. "Good to hear. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go take my shower and then shower your sister with love and affection." asked Griffin as he finished off his toast, stood up and put his plate in the dishwasher. "TMI." said Topher nonchalantly as he stood up a few moments later and Griffin went off to go take his morning shower in the bathroom upstairs while Topher went upstairs to his bedroom and do his best to erase the memory of walking in on Harper and Griffin's little make-out session for the twelve-millionth time. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Later that same afternoon, Harper was laying on her bed, reading a book when there was a knock at her door and she saw Zoey standing there, looking a little confused and sad, which she instantly noticed. "Hey, Zoey. Something up?" asked Harper curiously as she sat up and set her book off to the side and motioned for Zoey to come in to her room and sit with her, which she did. "Yeah. I'm having boy troubles." said Zoey sullenly as she fidgeted with her thumbs. Upon hearing that she was having boy troubles, Harper tensed up. Harper wasn't the best at problem solving, especially when it came to someone's love life. "Okay. But if you're having boy troubles, why didn't you go see Griffin? He's much better at this sorta stuff." said Harper, doing her best to console the young girl. "Normally, I would but, this is a different kind of boy trouble I'm having. Can you keep a secret?" asked Zoey as she looked out into the hallway before getting up and closing Harper's bedroom door so she and her could talk in private. "Of course I can, Zoey. I mean, Griffin and I were able to keep the bunker a secret until the crystal cracked, leaving him stranded in 2024 and Savannah in 2020 and Ben and I had to tell you guys, remember?" asked Harper teasingly. "How can I forget? Anyways, I've been on-again, off-again dating this boy I've been friends with for a while now, but the thing is, after I thought about it long and hard for a couple days, I've decided I want to ask him if he wants to make things official and be my boyfriend. But I'm a little bit worried he'll say no. I mean, this boy is pretty special to me, and I'm really scared to break the bond we have by asking if he'd like to be my boyfriend." said Zoey as she waved her hands around in all different directions and jerky motions, which only made Harper see how only nervous and scared Zoey was. "Okay, well that was certainly quite a lot to take in. But you wanna know what I think?" asked Harper as she put her hands on Zoey's shoulders to calm her down, which she did after taking a few deep breaths. "You call up this special boy, talk to him to his feelings, and if he rejects you, I'll be right here to help you feel better." said Harper seriously as she was pulled in for a tight hug by Zoey. "You know what, you're right Harper. Thanks for the advice." called Zoey excitedly as she opened up Harper's bedroom door and ran off to go talk to her mystery loverboy. A few minutes later, Harper went back to reading her book and sighed contently. "They grow up so fast." said Harper quietly, glad she was able to help her boyfriend's sister. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The next Monday at school, Griffin was sitting at a table in the cafeteria, just eating his lunch and minding his own business when he felt someone tap his shoulder and turned around to come face-to-face with Topher, who was grinning from ear to ear. "Oh, Topher. Hey. What's with the stupidly goofy grin?" asked Griffin curiously as he turned back around to finish his lunch and Topher sat down next to him. "Well, after I was able to burn the mental image of you and Harper making out in her bedroom again, I talked to the girl and as of Saturday afternoon, we're now officially official." said Topher happily, unable to contain his excitement. "That's awesome, man. What's the lucky lady's name?" asked Griffin curiously as he finished his lunch and stood up to go put his tray in the dirty tray line. "Zoey." said Topher excitedly but then instantly froze and covered his mouth with his hands, which Griffin noticed. Why would he do that if his girlfriend is named Zoey? I mean, lots of girls are named Zoey. It's not like he's now dating-----Oh no. No! Uh-Uh!! NO WAY!!! NO FREAKIN' WAY!!!! Suddenly, it all clicked for Griffin, whose reaction was nothing short of surprising. "WHAT THE FU----" yelled Griffin before he promptly fainted in the middle of the cafeteria, right then and there as his lunch tray fell out of his hands and hit him in the face after he hit the floor. "Owwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!"

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