Zoey Campbell:Ultimate Babysitter

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--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Okay, so I'll be the first to admit, the title's a bit on the money. Regardless, Happy Reading!!!! (Slight AU, btw)

More massive spoilers for SOSS s3 ahead, in case you're reading this before you've seen the finale. You've been warned. Oh, who am I kidding? You guys have all probably seen the finale on Disney+ already. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------When 25-year-old Zoey Campbell got a call from her sister-in-law, Harper Campbell-Dunn, saying that there was an emergency at The Tremont hotel and that she and her husband(and Zoey's brother), Griffin Campbell-Dunn, needed to see her immediately, she wasted no time in waking up her husband(and Harper's younger brother), Topher Campbell(much to his annoyance), quickly throwing on a pair of clothes that didn't smell too much and making the normally hour-and-a-half drive to Sulphur Springs from where she and Topher lived in downtown New Orleans in just under forty-five minutes. "Alright, we're here!!!! Where's the fire? What's the big emergency that was worth waking up at 7:30am on a perfectly good Saturday for?!" asked Zoey, still somewhat tiredly as she rubbed the last little bit of sleep out of her eyes. "Auntie Zoey, what're you doing here?!" asked an excited little voice that Zoey instantly knew belonged to her 7-year-old nephew, Nicholas "Nick" Elijah Campbell, who she pulled in for a quick hug. "That's what I'd like to know." said Zoey, still confused as she watched various guests come and go around the lobby and parlor before spotting Griffin and Harper walk towards her. "Sorry about that, Zo. As soon as I told him you were coming, he couldn't wake up fast enough." admitted Griffin with a sheepish grin on his face. "It's alright. However, I still don't know why we're here in the first place. All Harper said was that there was some big emergency here and that you guys needed to see me ASAP." said Zoey, shrugging her shoulders. "Really, Harper?" asked Griffin, now clearly annoyed as he turned to face his wife. "I plead the fifth." said Harper quickly, raising her right hand in the air. Griffin just sighed and turned back around to face Zoey and Topher. "Okay, look. There's no actual emergency. We've just been so swamped with guests lately, and we can't exactly run the hotel smoothly if we have a super, hyperactive 7-year-old constantly running around. So, we were just wondering if you guys could watch Nick for the day while we run the hotel?" asked Griffin, almost pleadingly. Zoey just scoffed indignantly and picked up Nick and held him in her arms. "Pssh, no problem. Besides, it's been forever since I've gotten to spend some quality time with my favorite nephew." said Zoey playfully as she blew soft raspberries on Nick's tummy. "You guys are lifesavers. Thanks a ton!!" called Griffin hastily as he and Harper ran off towards the front desk to deal with the rapidly growing line of impatient guests who were waiting to get checked in. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After they sat Nick down on the parlor floor, Zoey and Topher were wondering what to do with their nephew until they heard his stomach rumble and realized what time it was. Once they were in the kitchen, Zoey quickly started on making Nick's breakfast:toast slathered in butter, sugar and cinnamon while Topher sat with Nick at the table, talking to him about anything and everything. "So, little man, who's your favorite person in the family?" asked Topher eagerly, hoping he'd say him(literally the only reason he asked). "I'd have to say Auntie Zoey." answered Nick with a nonchalant shrug of his shoulders, causing Topher to do a double take at his nephew's answer and Zoey to look at her husband with mock disappointment. "Okay, I probably should've phrased that question a little bit better. Nick, who's your favorite male member of the family?" asked Topher hopefully, looking at Nick with large, bugged-out doe eyes. "Hmmmm. Probably Uncle Wyatt." said Nick absentmindedly as he began eating his toast, completely unaware of Topher's grumbling. "Damn. You'll get 'em next time, Toph." said Wyatt hopefully as he suddenly walked into the scene of Zoey trying to (unsuccessfully) hold in her laughter, Nick sitting at the table and eating his toast without a care in the world, and Topher slumping over sadly. "Uncle Wyatt, you're here too?!" asked Nick excitedly, looking up from his toast and running over to his favorite uncle, much to Topher's disappointment. "That I am, Nicky boy. And I didn't come alone." said Wyatt excitedly as his fiance, Savannah Dillon, walked into the kitchen. "Auntie Sav!!!! Long time, no see." said Nick happily, running to his other aunt for a hug. "You too, Nick." said Savannah, just as happily, as she pulled her nephew in for a big bear hug. "Wow. I must have the best luck in the whole entire universe. All my favorite people are together in one room." wondered Nick aloud as he went back to eating his toast after Savannah finished ruffling his curly hair. "Seriously though, what are you guys doing here?" asked Topher curiously as he sat back up. "Yeah, I thought you guys were heading to Baton Rouge to try and find a cake for the wedding." said Zoey, equally curious as her husband as to why her twin brother and his fiance were here at The Tremont. "Yeah, well, we were, but the thing is, we're kinda getting a little tired of planning for a wedding that still over a year-and-a-half away. So, we decided to come here instead and see you guys." answered Wyatt simply. "Oh, well that makes a lotta sense. I guess." said Topher, deciding to not press any further and got up to go find a movie he, Zoey, Wyatt and Savannah could watch with Nick. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------About five hours later, however, Zoey had noticed it was starting to feel extremely hot in The Tremont. Like, it was so hot in the hotel, she'd seen a few guests start to take their shirts off!!!! And after she told Griffin about the problem, he went to go check the AC and, apparently, it had been busted. And when she went to go relay this news to the others, who'd been watching Finding Nemo in the parlor before she went to go talk to Griffin about the rising temperature in the hotel, she came back to find them all crowded around a whole buncha fans that had been set up. "Guess Griffin needs more fans, don'tcha think?" asked Zoey, trying to light the mood with a stupid quip, only to get unamused glares from everyone else, including a few rapidly overheating guests who'd been pouring water on themselves to try and cool down. Regardless, Nick got up and went to go hug her to try and cool himself off, only for Zoey to feel like she was hugging a sweat ball and quickly pushed him away, and then looked over and saw Wyatt and Savannah trying to get it on, right then and there on one of the parlor couches, the excessive amount of sweat that was running over their bodies being the only thing stopping them from fully getting their clothes off, not even caring that they were in a public space with at least 74 different people watching them. Rolling her eyes at their inability to keep it in their pants, Zoey turned back around and saw Topher looking like he had melted onto the couch he'd been sitting on with how much he was sweating, even though he wasn't wearing any type of leather clothing. "So, what do you guys wanna do? I just talked to Harper, and she and Griffin have someone coming to take a look at the AC. However, it's gonna be at least another hour-and-a-half until he gets here, so we gotta find something to do to pass the time." said Zoey, sounding a bit tired and unsure of her self. Wyatt just shrugged his shoulders and Topher muttered something unintelligible in response. "I can think of a few things....." whispered Savannah teasingly, looking at Wyatt seductively. Zoey just gave her soon-to-be sister-in-law a look for a meaning behind the suggestion and instantly regretted it. Somehow, the blonde girl had managed to strip down into a dark tank-top that was rather.....revealing, to say the least and a pair of jogging shorts, causing a look of predatory hunger and excitement to quickly come over Wyatt. Thankfully, before things could get any more heated(both physically and mentally), Nick had jumped in and suggested that they have a go at some board games. Zoey quickly asked everybody what they thought of that idea, and after there weren't any objections, she quickly got up to go find some board games(and wash her eyes out with bleach after seeing Savannah's tank-top)and was more than surprised when she found a whole closet full of them. She decided she'd ask Griffin why she was never invited to game night after the AC got fixed and quickly returned with three games, and after a quick vote, the fun began. First, they started out with something simple: Snakes and Ladders. They played about four games of this, and Nick won three of them(not that anyone was complaining)and, much to everyone's surprise, Wyatt won the last game, grinning smugly when he did. He was definitely a sore winner(is that even a real term?)and Zoey had concluded by the middle of the second game that she was horrible at it, and just decided to continue playing for Nick's sake, almost winning the third game, but not quite. Topher only had the strength to move his piece one at a time, so he was doing even worse than Zoey, and Savannah did pretty decently in each game, but didn't win either. Next, they had a simple game of movie trivia and they split up into teams for that. It was Zoey and Wyatt vs. Nick and Savannah and Topher had elected himself to be the rule person, but instead only melted further onto the couch. This time, Zoey had won a round and she guessed it was because of how many movies she'd seen. Wyatt, on the other hand, didn't really contribute much to the game because of how distracting Savannah was being, much to Nick's little kid obliviousness. The third and final game that they played was Go Fish, and only Savannah and Nick played. From what Zoey could tell, Topher had probably, most definitely lost consciousness and was now just a person-shaped blob inhabiting the couch like a piece of toe fungus. And she really did try to play the game with them, but she was way too worried about Wyatt doing something frisky(to say the least)with Savannah, and that was the last thing Nick needed to see. But by the time they finished all the games, Zoey had realized it was getting late(and that it was finally starting to cool off in the hotel). The collected group all then nodded their heads and decided what they were gonna do next. Topher and Wyatt both went upstairs to bed, with Topher trudging his way up to an empty room and passing out right then and there. Wyatt, however, took the time to hug Nick goodnight before he was quickly joined by Savannah in another empty room(and y'all can guess what happened next). After she got him far away from that, Zoey knelt down to face Nick at eye level. "Alright, Nicky boy, seeing as how your mom and dad are gonna be super busy running the hotel tonight, looks I'm putting you to bed. What story do you want me to read you?" asked Zoey, looking at her adorable, curly-haired nephew sweetly. "Jack and the Beanstalk, pretty please." said Nick with a tired smile on his face. "You got it." answered Zoey thoughtfully as she walked Nick to his bedroom. However, before she could start reading, Griffin knocked on the door, Nick's face lighting up almost instantly. "I'll read you your bedtime story in a little bit, Nicky. I'd like to talk to Auntie Zoey for a little bit." said Griffin, flashing his son a quick smile before Zoey stepped out into the hallway, so she and Griffin could talk privately. "So, how was he?" asked Griffin, worriedly as he looked at his younger sister for reassurance. "He was pretty good, Griff. Best behaved out of the bunch I had today." said Zoey, sounding like she was on the verge of losing her sanity. "What exactly happened today, Zoey?" asked Griffin with a raised eyebrow. "Well, let's see:Wyatt and Savannah showed up for a surprise visit, the AC conked out, Topher went into a heat stroke, and I had to keep Nick from seeing Wyatt and Savannah getting frisky with it at least five times today!!!" recapped Zoey, strangely calm. Griffin's eyes nearly bulged out of his skull when he heard Zoey's story, but took a few deep breaths in and out to help calm himself down before he spoke again. "So, it was a pretty normal day, all in all?" "Yep. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm pretty much beat and I'm gonna go join my husband in bed. G'night, Griff." said Zoey, letting out a large yawn she didn't even know she was holding in as she walked towards the room Topher was currently passed out in. However, before she could open the door, Griffin stopped and called to her. "Hey, Zoey, I don't know if you know this or not, but you and Topher really saved our asses by watching Nick today. And I can't thank you enough today. You really are the ultimate babysitter, you know that?" asked Griffin sincerely. "Yeah, I know. See you in the morning, Griff." said Zoey, extremely tired as she let out a large yawn and joined Topher in bed. However, as she made herself comfortable and pulled the blanket up over her, Griffin's words finally started to register in her mind. "Zoey Campbell:Ultimate Babysitter. Now that has quite a nice ring to it." said Zoey thoughtfully as she rolled over and fell asleep, a soft, content smile on her face. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hope you guys enjoyed this one-shot. In case you didn't know, the idea for this one actually spawned out of a conversation I had with my platonic seahorse, @killiancaptainhook, about how Zoey would spoil Nick rotten like the cool aunt she is in the future. So, if you get a notification about her dropping a new one-shot that seems eerily similar to this one, it's not because she copied my idea, but simply because her and I were shooting the bull on a Saturday morning and had nothing better to do.

And for those of you who missed it, yes, I do ship Wyvannah(Wyatt x Savannah). And, now before you say anything, I already know shipping them is kinda pointless because of Savannah meeting Jordan in the finale, but I just thought "Why the heck not?"(See, @Sossfan, I told you you were gonna hate me!!!) But, don't worry, any and all questions you may have about them will be answered in my next one-shot. In the meantime, I'll see y'all after I get back from taking my Papa to the hospital for his heart surgery later this week. Until then, Ciao 4 now!!! <3<3<3 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Timeless Love: Harfin, Zopher, Wyvannah (A SOSS one-shot book)Where stories live. Discover now