Secret Sweethearts

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--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Alternate title: 5 times Harper and Griffin claimed that they weren't dating + 1 time they actually did. (Slight AU)

Hope you enjoy!!! <3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Harper Dunn stood at her locker, putting her books away, when she suddenly felt a pair of arms wrap themselves around her waist without warning. Turning around, she found herself coming face-to-face with her all-time best friend in the whole wide world, Griffin Campbell. Smiling brightly, she quickly pulled her bestie in for a tight hug. "Griffin!!!" exclaimed Harper happily, ruffling his hair after they broke out of the hug. Griffin simply flashed her a goofy grin in response as she took her hand in his and he escorted her to her next class, getting plenty of weird looks from their peers as they walked down the hallway. See, a lotta people think that the two of them were dating, when they actually weren't. They were simply besties. Platonic soulmates, if you will. Or so they thought. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. It was a Monday night and Griffin was currently sitting at his desk, waiting for Harper to show up so she could help him with his algebra homework. Suddenly, there was a knock at his door, and without even having to look up, he already knew it was. "Come in, Locker Ninja." However, after the door was opened, Griffin heard little sniffles and looked up to see Harper was crying and her eyes were all red and poofy. "Harper, what's wrong?" asked Griffin seriously as he set his pencil down and stood up to give her a hug. "He-He left me. He left me for another girl." said Harper in between quiet sobs and sniffles. Upon hearing that, it took every ounce of decency in Griffin's body for him to not scoff in indignance. Harper's boyfriend was always something of a Class-A douchebag and it really hurt Griffin's heart knowing his bestie was crying and brokenhearted. Leading her over to his bed, he kneeled down to help slip off her white high-tops with her special artwork on them before he stood back up to pull off the bright pink hoodie she was wearing and then laid down on his bed with her, pulling her close to him as they cuddled. "It's gonna be okay, Harper. I promise." whispered Griffin quietly as he ran his fingers through Harper's beautiful curls. "I hope so." said Harper, doubtful she would ever find love again. "If it makes you feel better, I still love you, Harper." said Griffin reassuredly. "You really know how to make a girl feel special, you know that?" asked Harper playfully, swatting at Griffin's chest. "Yeah, I know." answered Griffin, smiling contently as they both fell asleep, cuddled up close in each other's arms. About five hours later, though, Griffin woke up feeling thirsty and looked down to see Harper still curled up to next to him, instantly making him smile. Even though he'd never admit it to her, he's always had a big crush on Harper and would love it if she could be his girlfriend. However, he never told her this out of fear of being made fun of or her not reciprocating his feelings for her. Suddenly, Griffin looked up and saw Wyatt and Zoey standing outside his door, their phones in hand. "Guys, what're you doing?" asked Griffin, annoyed. "We were just on our way to bed when we saw your door was open and we were gonna close it for you when we saw you and Harper cuddling like the lovebirds you are." said Zoey, smugly. "Yeah. Griffin and Harper, sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G." said Wyatt teasingly. "Huh? Who's there?" asked Harper, suddenly jolting awake. "It's just Wyatt and Zoey, teasing us and saying that we're in love again." said Griffin, frustrated. "Because you guys are in love." said Zoey in exasperation. "No, we're not. We're just platonic soulmates. Nothing more, nothing less." answered Harper, a hint of finality laced in her voice. "Mmm-hmm. Sure you are. C'mon Wyatt, let's get out of here. Romeo and Juliet over here have to get back to being secret lovers and kissing each other under the cover of night." said Zoey smugly, as Griffin chucked one of his pillows her way, snapping one final picture of Griffin and Harper before they ran off for their bedrooms, now having enough blackmail material on their hands until at least when Griffin would leave for college. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2. Ever since meeting Harper, Griffin had often went over to her house to have dinner with her family, and vice versa. Well, one night, Griffin was sitting at the Dunn's dining room table next to Harper and the two of them were just messing around like any other teens would. Griffin was tickling Harper's waist under the table while she ate, causing her to erupt into a fit of uncontrollable, bubbly giggles, much to Jess and Topher's annoyance. Topher glanced at the two teens knowingly, especially after Griffin stood up to help clear the table and gave Harper a quick kiss to her forehead before helping Jess. After Griffin disappeared to go take a whiz, Topher decided now was his chance. "So, how long have you two been smooching booties?" asked the boy way too bluntly and straightforwardly. Harper nearly choked on her water when she heard her brother's question. "Oh, Topher, not you too. Griffin and I are just friends. Nothing more." said Harper quickly. Topher just smirked and hummed in response as Griffin returned to the kitchen to finish cleaning and then knelt down to whisper something in Harper's ear, causing the girl to blush like crazy and stand up, grabbing Griffin's hand. "If anyone needs us, we'll be in my room!!!!" called Harper, quickly rushing up the stairs, Griffin not far behind. "Make sure to keep the door open, you two. No funny business, you hear me?" asked Jess jokingly, the sound of her daughter's bedroom door being slammed in response. "I give them a month. Two, tops." said Topher, sipping on his soda. Jess just looked at her son in shock, mouth agape. "What? Those two idiots are so in love, even Romeo and Juliet would probably be rolling in their graves out of spite and jealousy." --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3.Ben and Sarah had always known Griffin and Harper had something special. Ever since their first meeting on the first day of middle school, the two of them were just inseparable. Now they didn't like to say they were eagerly awaiting the day they'd get together but they weren't entirely against it either.  Sarah was currently in the middle of cleaning up The Tremont one afternoon when Sarah heard Griffin laugh about something funny and then a few seconds later, heard the distinct laugh of her son's best friend. Quietly and carefully creeping up the stairs and making her way over to Griffin's bedroom door, which was cracked open a bit so she did her best to poke her head in without being caught and saw Griffin and Harper laying on his bed, propped up on their elbows and laughing about something funny on Griffin's phone as Griffin gently pushed her hair back and grazed Harper's face with his fingers, the sight making Sarah smiling brightly. However, Griffin had seen his mom out of the corner of his eye and was not amused. "You know, Mom, if you're gonna spy on us and make our lives your personal soap opera, you could've just asked us nicely." deadpanned Griffin, shooting her a look of disappointment.  Sarah just slowly backed away from the door and rushed back downstairs, still smiling about the cute moment she'd witnessed. Griffin and Harper were so in love but they just didn't know it. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4. While a good chunk of Harper and Griffin's friends knew that they were platonic soulmates, it didn't stop them from teasing each other about them dating the other. Especially Griffin's friend from music class and aspiring rapper, Savannah Dillon. One day during lunch, Griffin and Harper were sitting at their special table in the cafeteria and just talking about anything and everything when Savannah suddenly came out of nowhere and sat down with them, much to Griffin and Harper's shock. "Geez, Savannah. You gotta stop doing that. If we didn't know any better, we'd think you were a ghost with the way you like to sneak up on people and scare the crap out of them." said Griffin in annoyance. "Sorry, I can't help it. Besides, I had to make sure you guys were keeping it in your pants during the lunch hours." said Savannah slyly, causing Griffin to momentarily choke on air and Harper's eyes to literally bulge out of her skull in disbelief, trying to process what she just heard. "Savannah, what did we tell you about being a creepy, stalker-ish shipper fangirl?" asked Griffin once he caught his breath again. "That I shouldn't be doing that. But you guys are made for each other. You're like seahorses!!!!" exclaimed Savannah insistently. "I'm sorry. Did you just say we were seahorses?" asked Griffin, now seriously confused. "Yeah. You know how once one seahorse finds another seahorse, they're bonded for life? Well, that's the way it is for you two. And the more you keep lying to yourself, the more those feelings are just gonna keep showing until the day comes that you can't keep it in your pants. Don't say I didn't warn you." said Savannah somewhat ominously as she walked away from Griffin and Harper's table, leaving the two of them slightly worried before they just shrugged off Savannah's "warning" like it was nothing and went back to eating their lunch. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5. If there was one thing Ben was, it was observant. Especially when it came to Griffin and Harper. While he and Sarah weren't really fans of Griffin bringing girls over, it was a different story with Harper. He'd known the girl for like, practically forever now and it also helped that he and Sarah co-owned The Tremont with Jess, Harper's mom, so he felt like there was no harm in leaving the two of them alone. He checked in on them enough to make sure they weren't fooling around and he'd noticed them showing little bits of maturity here and there. Anyways, it was a Friday night and Griffin and Harper were having a movie night upstairs in his room and they'd been upstairs for quite awhile, so he decided to go up and check on them. As he approached Griffin's room, he could hear the ending of Avengers:Infinity War playing and chuckled, knowing Griffin had convinced Harper to watch the best Marvel movie with him for the millionth time over. Pushing his son's door open, Ben saw Harper curled up against Griffin, her arms wrapped around his waist almost protectively. Ben simply smiled at the cute scene before him as he switched the TV off and threw a blanket over the teens, shaking his head as he decided to let them continue sleeping before he left Griffin's room. They'd figure it out soon enough. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+1. It was bound to happen sooner or later. Griffin and Harper just felt the eventual shift in their relationship. They weren't just best friends anymore, suddenly they were so much more than that. It was a Friday night and Griffin and Harper were sitting on his bed, just talking and shooting the bull when she moved in to kiss his cheek but he moved at the last second, leading to them locking lips. And right then and there, they knew it was meant to be. That they were "seahorses" who were meant for each other like Savannah had said. And needless to say, about everyone in school flipped out that Monday when they saw them walking hand-in-hand in the halls. And Savannah's reaction really wasn't all that surprising when she saw it for herself. "What did I tell you? You can't deny the power of the seahorse." -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So, hope you guys enjoyed this one-shot. Oh, who am I kidding? Of course you enjoyed it, just like I enjoyed the first two episodes of SOSS s3(check out my newest announcement for more). Anyways, the next one-shot should be up soon. However, I don't know how soon it'll be since my sister has her first track meet on Monday the 27th. And her doing track completely and totally throws my writing schedule off its axis. But I'll do my very best to keep a consistent update schedule. Love y'all to the moon and back!!!! Ciao 4 now!!! <3<3<3<3 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Timeless Love: Harfin, Zopher, Wyvannah (A SOSS one-shot book)Where stories live. Discover now