Labor Of Love

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--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------So, in case the title wasn't obvious, this one-shot is the threequel to "That's What I Love About Sunday" and "Vacation". And in case you forgot, Harper was pregnant in both of those one-shots, so what's gonna happen in this one should be quite easy to understand. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Only a few weeks were left for the arrival of the third child in the Campbell-Dunn family and both sides were excited and prepared all the way to welcome the new addition. Ben, Sarah, Jess, Sam, Ben Sr., Wyatt, Zoey, Savannah, Topher, Preston and Bailey were all currently at The Tremont, putting the finishing touches on the surprise baby shower for the mommy and daddy to be, who were currently on a walk at the park as their doctor had advised them in favor and preparation for the upcoming delivery. Just then, Harper furrowed her brows as she and Griffin took a seat on a bench to rest. "Something feels fishy." said Harper in worry as she heard a soft chuckle escape Griffin's lips and saw him gently caressing her baby bump. "Eh, yeah. You're probably right, but still. Let's just not dig too deep. We don't want to disappoint them, after all." said Griffin with a shrug of his shoulders. Harper just pouted at her husband's inquiry. "But I love myself a good mystery. And you do too." "Yeah, I do love the occasional caper from time to time, but let's just talk about our little jelly bean instead. For me, please?" asked Griffin, softly. Releasing the pout, Harper sighed indignantly as she leaned her head down on her husband's shoulder. "Yeah, okay. Speaking of which, we haven't still decided on a name for the little squirt." said Harper in curious worry. "I know. Who knew naming your third child could be such a hassle? Anyways, you wanna hear the top 5 names I narrowed it down to?" asked Griffin, excitedly. "Eh, sure beats just sitting around here, waiting for the little guy to make his grand welcome into the world. Shoot." said Harper, somewhat tiredly. "Okay, I narrowed it down to Tobias, Xavier, Peter, Landon and Nathan. What about you?" "As for me, I picked Reece, Taron, Charlie, Eugene and Lucas." answered Harper, fully intertwining her fingers with Griffin's. "While all of them sound good, none of sound just right. You know?" asked Griffin in understanding. "Eh, yeah. I see what you mean. Welp, back to square one, I guess." said Harper disappointedly as she and Griffin stood up to go back to his car and back to The Tremont. Suddenly, a few minutes later after they left the park, Harper was suddenly hit with the perfect name idea. "What about Elijah? Y'know, after my great-great-grandfather, Elijah Tremont, in case you forgot." said Harper teasingly. "Oh, ha-ha. Very funny, Harper. And actually, I think that's a great name for the little guy." said Griffin, contently as he turned the car back onto the road that led to The Tremont. " And maybe for his middle name, I was thinking Henry? After Grace's younger brother?" asked Harper tentatively. "Elijah Henry Campbell-Dunn actually has a very nice ring to it." said Griffin, nodding his head in agreement. "It's settled then." said Harper, a hint of finality laced in her voice as they continued their drive back to The Tremont in comfortable silence. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- About fifteen minutes later, after getting out of the car and making their way up the porch, Harper saw Savannah's light-blonde curls sticking out of the side of one of The Tremont's main floor but she just feigned not seeing it at all right as Griffin pulled out his keys and looked at his wife with big doe eyes. " least try to act surprised. For them, at the very least." Griffin begged gently as he turned the key and clicked the door open and they walked into the lobby of The Tremont to find it surprisingly dark, empty and scarce, save for the daylight shining through the open curtains. Suddenly, lights flicked on from all directions and people jumped up from all around their various hiding places. "SURPRISE!!!!" Although they knew something was brewing(especially since Harper's a seer, after all), they never expected it to be something quite like this. Harper audibly gasped in honest shock and surprise and put a hand over her bump after the excited kick she felt while Griffin held her close to his waist as he took in all the light, blue and white decorations hung up around the lobby and all the smiles on their families' faces. There was a huge white banner that read "Congratulations, Parents To Be!!!" hung in the middle of everything, a big blue tablecloth was placed over the dining room table, which had all sorts of assorted goodies and various shapes and styles of cupcakes on it and one large, two-layer chocolate cake with blue and white frosting, which read "Hi, Mommy and Daddy", sitting in the middle of the table. Griffin's eyes actually began to well up with tears as he took everything in for a second time to make sure he wasn't dreaming. "This.....this is absolutely incredible. Thanks, you guys." said Griffin, holding back his tears, to no avail as he quickly became a sobbing, emotional wreck as he saw Bailey running towards him and he picked her up. "I'm glad you like it, Daddy. It was actually Aunt Zoey's idea." said the ten-year-old girl happily, pointing to her 24-year-old aunt, who was currently making sure that Wyatt wouldn't take food off the snack table and set a bad example for his niece. Making his way over to his younger sister, he slowly pulled her in for a gentle, loving hug. "Thank you. You have no idea how much this means to us." said Griffin quietly as he wiped the last of his tears out of his eyes. "It was nothing, really. We're all just so excited to meet the little guy." said Zoey, pointing over at Harper who was currently across the room talking to Wyatt and Savannah, a few small tears slipping out of her eyes as well. A few minutes later, Preston and Topher came over with two white sashes that said "Mommy" and "Daddy" in dark blue written on them and put them over Griffin and Harper's heads and then the party was in full swing. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------About forty minutes later, after a few party games and all the presents were opened up and the cake had been cut and everyone had had a slice, the action had slowly winded down and Harper had taken this moment of calm to go rest her legs and sit on the couch. A few moments later, she was quickly joined by Griffin, who had a glass of water in one of his hands and stroked her hair with his other hand. "You alright? We can always lay down and rest together upstairs, you know." said Griffin worriedly, his brows furrowed with concern. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just needed to take a breather real quick." assured Harper calmly as she stood up again. "Okay. I just want to make sure you're doing good." admitted Griffin somewhat sheepishly. "You really need to learn to stop fussing over me so mu-ouch!!!" yelled Harper in sudden pain as her face scrunched up and she felt something wet and smooth trickle down her leg. "Okay, Griffin. Don't freak out but I think I either peed my pants or my water broke." said Harper, surprisingly calm. "Oh, okay-Wait, WHAT?!?!" asked Griffin, raising his voice more than what was necessary after hearing his wife's words, as his mind became hazy and foggy and he looked around everyone blearily. "Griffin, go start the car. Savannah, grab the go-bag and any other necessities. Jess, call the hospital and tell them to prep a delivery room. Sam, Dad and Sarah, stay here with Preston and Bailey until we give you guys a call." Ben instructed with the voice of a military commander, everybody scurrying off to get their work done except Griffin, who was still a dizzy mess and looked like he was about to pass out right then and there. "Griffin!!! Snap out of it!!! Harper needs to get to the hospital." yelled Ben, trying to get him back on track. "Hey!!! Don't yell at my husband like that." said Harper, shooting daggers at her father-in-law. "Sorry." said the man sheepishly as Griffin finally snapped out of it and got the car started right as Savannah climbed in the front with the bags while Ben and Jess made themselves comfortable with Harper in the back. "Just make sure you take deep breaths, Harper. In and out, In and out. Hee-hoo, hee-hoo. It's gonna be alright." said Griffin, going 45 in a 20, his forehead sticky with enough sweat to flood the deserts of Egypt and give a full-grown Hippopotamus a bath. Harper just rolled her eyes in annoyance as she scrunched her face up from the contraction that quickly passed before speaking. "You know, Griff, based off all the sweat I can clearly see running down your back, I think it's you who needs to take deep breaths, in and out, in and out. Hee-hoo, hee-hoo." said Harper, still surprisingly calm for a woman currently in labor, mocking her husband's words. Griffin just nodded his head in embarrassment as he pulled into the Emergency entrance of the hospital where Harper was quickly slid onto a gurney and then rolled her up to the labor and delivery ward where her doctor, Dr. Palmer, was eagerly waiting. "Hello there, Harper and Griffin. You ready have a baby?" asked the doctor, smiling at the couple, as he tossed Griffin a pair of scrubs. "Yep." answered Harper without hesitation as they got set up in her room. "Great. Then let's get this show on the road." -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Harper had been in labor for about 17 hours before things really got started. It seemed that Baby Elijah was really stuck in there, if you know what I mean, and didn't want to budge. Anyways, it was about 5:50am and Harper was currently lying in her hospital bed, trying to get some rest before the real fun began, as she was just 9cm dilated and once she reached ten, it was go time. Griffin was sitting next to her in the easy chair for visitors and lazily stroking her belly. "Hello in there, little dude. It's me, your daddy speaking. Look, I just wanna say that your mommy and I are super excited to meet when you finally get here and that these past nine months have been some of the best ones ever. And that when we finally get to meet you, you're not gonna have a day without love from any of us. That's right. Me, mommy, your big brother, Preston, and big sister, Bailey, your grandparents. Everyone already loves you even though you're not here yet. And if I'm being totally honest with you, I already know you're gonna do great things in life, Elijah Henry Campbell-Dunn. And we'll be with you every step of the way because we love you so much. And just between you and me, I really hope you'll get my killer good looks. I mean, how else do you think your mom was able to fall in love with me?" asked Griffin softly as he placed a gentle kiss to Harper's belly and looked up to see Harper with tears in her eyes. She wanted to blame it on the hormones but she already knew it was because of her loving husband. She often heard Griffin talking to her belly each time she was pregnant when he thought she was asleep, and it made her smile every time. She simply flashed him a tired smile to let him know she heard every last word. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------About an hour and a half later at 6:54am, just as the first rays of the morning sun began to shine through the curtains of Harper's room, she was finally at 10cm and ready to push but surprise, surprise, Harper still wasn't in that much pain, aside from a few small contractions and very painful pushes. Griffin, on the other hand, was basically a nervous wreck, almost always on the verge of losing consciousness, and honestly, Harper couldn't blame him. This was the first time he was actually present for the birth of one of his children. Why, you ask? Well, you see, back in 2035, when Preston was born, Griffin was still an up-and-coming artist and when he told his (former) manager at the time that Harper was in labor after his concert in Salt Lake City that night, he thought Griffin was fibbing to get out of his duties as a performer and forced him to keep performing and going on concerts for two whole months after Preston was born. So, as a result, he didn't officially meet his firstborn son until he was almost three months old(and not being able to meet his own kid was enough of a reason for Griffin to fully quit his duties as a rockstar for almost a full year-and-a-half). And then, right around the time Bailey was making her grand entrance into the world the week after New Years Day in 2040, Griffin had been forced to wait out a particularly nasty snowstorm at O'Hare International Airport in Chicago. So, honestly, could you really blame him for being such a mess? Finally, after about an hour of pushing, at 7:55am on March 16th, 2049, Elijah Henry Campbell-Dunn made his grand entrance into the world, kicking and screaming, and that was when Griffin finally dropped dead right then and there after he saw all the gross afterbirth Elijah was covered in, the sweat dripping off his forehead like Niagara Falls. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  14 hours later, after Griffin had woken up in a separate room and had composed himself after throwing up a few times, and everyone had gotten a chance to meet the newest Campbell-Dunn, Griffin was sitting in the easy chair, holding Elijah close to him like he was a piece of very fragile glass as Harper looked over from her bed at the sight before her. "You know, we make pretty good babies, right?" asked Griffin, teasingly as he began to rock his son. "No argument there. Our kids are so good looking, I bet Leonardo Da Vinci thinks they're the next Mona Lisa's." said Harper, chuckling softly as Elijah began to cry and Harper took him from Griffin to feed him. "I know I say this all the time, but I love you to the moon and back, Harper Marie Campbell-Dunn. I don't care if that's very cliche, it's true no matter what. And whenever I see our beautiful, very gorgeous children, I'm only reminded of my never-ending love for you, Harper. I hope you know that." said Griffin softly as he held some of Elijah's tiny fingers in his hand. "Yes, I do know that. But thanks for telling me, anyway." said Harper contently as she finished feeding Elijah and gave him back to Griffin to hold. "So, whaddya say, Locker Ninja? Should we go and introduce little Elijah to his family?" asked Griffin, giving his wife a goofy, lopsided smile as he looked down at his newborn son. Harper just awed at her son in wonder and smirked at Griffin. "Sounds like a good idea to me." answered the new mother tiredly but happily as she climbed in a wheelchair and they brought Elijah out to meet his loving family. Needless to say, everybody loved him. And, much to everyone's surprise, he was actually the one who inherited Harper's gift to see into the future. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------And that's a wrap on "Labor Of Love". Hope you guys enjoyed this one. Also, coincidentally enough, today, March 16th, 2023, is my IRL birthday, for those of you who didn't know. So birthday wishes would be greatly appreciated, thank you very much. Next one-shot should be up sometime soon. Love y'all 3000!!! Take care, guys. <3<3<3 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Timeless Love: Harfin, Zopher, Wyvannah (A SOSS one-shot book)Where stories live. Discover now