Let You Go

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--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------For @MadisonGrace18 - Who had the fucking guts to kill off Zoey Campbell, and must now deal with the consequences of committing such a horrible act. 

I honestly can't believe it, either. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

As Sarah, Ben, Wyatt, Jess and Topher stood around Zoey's hospital bed and watched her breathe in and out unevenly, they all couldn't help but feel scared and anxious as they listened to the sound of her inhaling deeply and then exhaling loudly a few seconds later. Between Griffin apparently being forced to poison Harper, someone cutting up her oxygen tank and then cutting the engine of his car, the Campbell-Dunn clan was under a lot of stress and unwanted anxiety and Zoey ending up in the hospital alongside Harper wasn't helping things at all whatsoever.

Topher especially didn't like any of this. As much as he might've tried to deny it, he had a huge crush on her. There was just something about her that made him turn to mush and want to impress her every chance he could get. But now that she was here in the hospital, his heart was starting to break and he couldn't take much more of it.

Just then, a doctor knocked on the door. "Excuse me. I don't mean to interrupt, but I need to check on Ms. Campbell's injuries. You're all welcome to just wait out in the hall, and I'll come get you when I'm done. This won't take long. I promise." he said quietly as he looked over some notes on his clipboard.

The five of them all shared a look with each other, but sighed reluctantly and they all filed out of the room and stood out in the hall. Topher turned to look at Wyatt, and noticed he was trying to fight back tears. "Dude, it's gonna be okay. She's gonna make a full recovery, and she'll be back on her feet and dancing in no time at all." he said comfortingly as he put an arm around his shoulder and gently rubbed his back to calm his friend.

Wyatt sighed and sniffled. "You really think so?" he asked uncertainly as he looked back at the closed door of Zoey's hospital room. Topher nodded his head and smiled weakly. "I hope so. She's a really incredible girl, and I need her to get better. We all do." he said quietly as he looked down at the linoleum floor of the hospital before he looked back up a few minutes later and saw Griffin coming towards them with Harper's sweatshirt bunched up in his hand as the doctor came out of Zoey's hospital room and met their concerned eyes with sorrowful ones.

They all raised their eyebrows in unison, sensing the noteworthy silence emanating from her room. Deep down, they recognized that something was gravely amiss, perhaps more serious than before. The doctor expressed his sympathy, letting out a sigh and shaking his head. "I'm sorry."

Everyone stared in bewilderment until Sarah broke the silence with her voice quivering intensely. "No."

"No, No, No-"


"NO!" she cried out as she burst through the door. Her gaze first landed on her daughter before it shifted to the doctors, who all shared the same grief-stricken expression. She then turned back around to face her worried family, her watery gaze to the back of the doctor. The space immediately fell silent as tension hung heavy in the air.

"We lost her", the doctor whispered, his voice heavy with grief. The heartbreaking news struck everyone in the area, leaving a void that could never be filled.

In that one moment, everything just went straight to hell. Sarah let out an ear-piercing scream before she collapsed to the ground, sending shockwaves through the air. Her loud cries reverberated with anguish, overpowering any attempt by Ben to steady her trembling body.

Timeless Love: Harfin, Zopher, Wyvannah (A SOSS one-shot book)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя